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The History of Astronaut Suit Material, Called Gore-Tex Fabric, What Is It Made Of?

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID- Being an astronaut is an extraordinary pride, because it is a profession that is rarely achieved.

The spacesuits have protected the astronauts from successfully carrying out their missions, and returning them to Earth safely.

The development of this astronaut suit had to go through a long process and it turned out that one of the materials was commonly used to coat the cable.

Without it, astronauts would not be able to land on the Moon and even build the International Space Station (ISS), in low-Earth orbit.

Generally, spacesuits are white and equipped with helmets. Although it looks simple, these astronaut suits are made of materials that are complex enough to adapt to movement and protect them in space.

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For example, the clothes or clothes used by astronauts from the United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), are composed of various materials, one of which is called expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE).

EPTFE is a polymer that has been developed from PTFE compounds or known as Teflon.

EPTFE is one of the discoveries that changed the world, so that NASA astronauts can carry out missions to space well.

Not only that, the astronaut suit material is also usually used as a cable coating because of its water-repellent properties.

Of course, the history of the discovery of ePTFE, one of the materials of astronaut suit, is not a short journey.

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