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The history lesson told by former soldiers to 115 middle and high school students from Lot in Oradour-sur-Glane

the essentials Learn and pass on to young people the history of France and its deepest wounds buried in Oradour-sur-Glane. This was the major objective of this souvenir destination for 115 middle and high school students from Lot, accompanied by veterans to the famous national memorial. A highly symbolic place full of history and emotions.

The horrors of war, the pain of the families of those who fell in combat, then the euphoria of the liberation of the entire nation 80 years ago, must imperatively be shown and then explained to younger generations.

This is the opinion of Pierre Pélaprat, president of Alacte (Lotoise Association of Veterans in External Territories). He, the former soldier who had never set foot in Oradour-sur-Glane, wanted to fill this gap this year by bringing in his wake, on Thursday October 17, no less than 115 students from five Lot schools: the Sainte-Hélène college in Gramat, the Gaston Monnerville high school in Cahors, the Masbou college in Figeac, the Quercy-Périgord hotel trades high school in Souillac and the Impernal college in Luzech.

643 victims in the village

Why this memory journey at this precise moment? “Because the year 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the Oradour sur Glane tragedy. Tragedy which saw the destruction of this French village in Haute-Vienne and the assassination of its inhabitants (643 victims), by a detachment of the Panzergrenadier regiment belonging to the SS Das Reich armored division. This is the largest massacre of civilians committed in France by Nazi forces” relates Pierre Pélaprat.

“A historical fact of immense cruelty”

“Alacte wanted to honor the memory of these innocent victims and involve middle and high school students in this duty of memory in an intergenerational approach to raising awareness of this historical fact of immense cruelty. It must never fall into oblivion and needs to be constantly reminded of our collective consciousness” continues the organizer of this trip, a history lesson in real life.

Middle and high school students enjoyed an exceptional time. Photo Alacte

While firmly condemning “hatred, racism, anti-Semitism, religious fanaticism or certain ideals of supremacy”, Pierre Pélaprat addresses middle and high school students to bring them back to more recent pains.

Lessons from the terrible Bataclan attack

He believes “that an attack like that of the Bataclan, in November 2015, can present many similarities and teach us that the fight against all forms of extremism must be maintained and never end. »

The message hammered out by the former soldier was received five out of five by young people. The latter were touched by the dramatic episode which left more than one village in mourning. A whole nation. Returning one last time to the need to remember the lessons of the past, Pierre Pélaprat dwells on the very foundation of this duty of memory: “All the victims of Oradour sur Glane call on us to never let our guard down and not let no respite to the executioners of today and tomorrow. »

The Society of Members of the Legion of Honor, the association of the National Order of Merit, Souvenir Français, among other structures and associations of veterans, immediately joined Pierre Pélaprat’s educational project. All united for the better and against the worst: war.

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