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The History and Traditions of Angel Day Celebrations

history of the holiday

Saint John was born in Cyprus in the 7th century. in a rich family. He got married and had children, but soon his wife and children died. After this, Ivan became a monk. A few years later he was invited to head the patriarchal see in Alexandria.

During his patriarchate, he exposed and expelled from Alexandria the heresy of the Monothelite Antiochene Fullo. He also gave out a lot of alms and helped the poor. Twice a week the patriarch went out to people and received all those in need: he sorted out their disputes, helped the offended, and distributed alms.

When the Persians, having invaded Egypt, threatened Alexandria, Ivan went to Constantinople to ask for troops to defend the city, but on the way he died in his hometown of Amafunt in 619.

In former times, on this day, traditionally, our ancestors went to the market to buy a lot of goods for the winter. Children were often sick during this period, so on this day it was necessary to pray for their health.

Also during the times of Kievan Rus, the wedding week began on this date.

Signs of the day

it snows all day – spring will be late and cold if there is fog in the morning – expect warming if the clouds are floating against the wind – there will be heavy snowfall what the weather is like today – it will be like this in early December

What not to do today

buy new shoes, because a bad streak in life will begin; catch fish and crayfish, because the catch will be meager; quarrel and slander; ignore other people’s advice – today they will be really useful; set off on a long journey

Angel Day is celebrated today: Boris, Vladimir, Daniil, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Maria, Matvey, Nikolai, Alexander, Stepan, Fedor.

Main prayer of the day

“Saint John of God, merciful protector of the poor and those in adversity! We resort to you and pray to you, as to the speedy protector of all; in troubles and sorrows they seek consolation from God. Do not cease to pray to the Lord for all who come to you with faith!

You, being filled with the love of Christ and goodness, appeared as a wonderful palace of charity and mercy and received the name “merciful”. You were like a river, always filled with generous mercy and sincerely giving water to all who thirst. We believe that after your migration from earth to heaven, the gift of this grace increased in you and you became an inexhaustible vessel of all goodness.

Make all kinds of relief before God with your prayers and protection, so that those who come running to you receive peace and tranquility. Give them relief in temporary sorrows and help in the needs of life, instill in them hope for eternal peace in the Kingdom of Heaven.

In your earthly life, you were a haven for everyone who had some kind of misfortune, need, illness or suffered an insult, and none of those who came to you and asked for mercy were left without your goodness. The same thing now, reigning with Christ God in heaven, show everyone that before your honest icon they worship and pray for help and protection.

Not only did you yourself show mercy to the helpless, but you also prompted the hearts of others to help the weak and show mercy to the poor. Offer now the hearts of the faithful for the protection of the poor, for the consolation of the mourning and the reassurance of the weak. And may their gifts of mercy not be exhausted, but may peace and joy in the Holy Spirit dwell in them and in this house, which treats those who suffer with mercy, to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forever and ever.” Amen.

2023-11-12 04:00:55

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