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The Historical Background and Influence of Panji Gumilang and Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School in the Darul Islam and Islamic State Movements of Indonesia

TEMPO.CO, Lamongan – Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md said Panji Gumilang and Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School were a series of Darul Islam and Islamic State movements of Indonesia which were initiated by Kartosoewirjo. According to Mahfud, in the early days of Indonesian independence, many fighters from Islamic circles were marginalized and could not be accommodated in governance.

This problem was the result of the education politics inherited from the Dutch East Indies government which tended to be discriminatory. Only Muslims who have diplomas can enter the government.

Mahfud MD said, many fighters, young people, and Islamic figures were not accommodated in their duties in the new state government. Thus, many Muslims decided to return to Islamic boarding schools and focus on educating their students. “But there are also those who are angry because they cannot be accommodated,” said Mahfud Md as the keynote speaker at the National Ulama Halaqah at the Sunan Drajat Lamongan Islamic Boarding School, as monitored from a live broadcast on Youtube, Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

Apart from that, said Mahfud, the marginalization of Muslims in the administration of the new Indonesian state has even angered some Muslim circles. One of them was Kartosoewirjo who later founded DI/TII.

“Kartosoewirjo’s struggle to establish an Islamic State of Indonesia has actually continued, there is still a tail until now, until now there has been a fuss about Panji Gumilang. So Panji Gumilang used to be the Islamic State of Indonesia,” said Mahfud in his presentation entitled ‘Building Bridges’ Islamic Boarding School with General Education’.

According to Mahfud, NII is an organization without a form. Even though it is an underground movement, NII has a structure consisting of sheikhs as leaders, governors, ministers, regents to sub-district heads. Kartosoewirjo’s thoughts, which were continued by his successors, were eventually discovered by the government.

NII made by Kartosoewirjo, which seemed to have finished, was then operated again by intelligence. The government knows that the NII is actually still alive even though it has been annihilated in various places. Finally, the government organized a movement to weaken the NII by dividing and pitting it, NII versus NII.


“Well, (NII) was known by the government, so in the early 1970s, the government split NII, pitted it against each other. That was an operation carried out by Ali Moertopo,” said Mahfud.

“In the past, there used to be a Jihad Command, people were lured into gathering and then ordered to make resolutions, ordered to make strong statements. After that they were arrested and then imaged as the Jihad Command which was the same as the previous NII. I heard directly from the source,” he said.

Mahfud said that NII was the result of operations and formations by the government at that time, one of its areas was Command 9, which is now Al Zaytun. asyghil. Wa asyghilid dholimin bid dholimin. NII is pitted against NII, then NII will destroy itself, roughly that way,” he said.

After feeling comfortable with the government, feeling safe, then Panji Gumilang broke away. He displays the figure of Al-Zaytun as he is now. Behind this, said Mahfud, the historical background and NII followers still abound.

“If you ask what are you going to do with Al Zaytun? Some say, Sir, just disbanding it, that’s dangerous. Until now the government has never dissolved the Islamic boarding school. I don’t think we should set a bad precedent for dissolving the Islamic boarding school,” said Mahfud.

Editor’s Choice: Called Behind Al Zaytun, This is General’s Denial

2023-07-12 15:00:00

#Mahfud #Calls #Flag #Gumilang #Tail #NII #Weakened #Ali #Moertopos #Intelligence #Operation

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