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the highlights of the second round debate in Sarcelles

In Sarcelles, two leftist lists compete: that of the outgoing mayor, Patrick Haddad candidate of the PS and that of the emblematic mayor, François Pupponi (Various left and former socialist mayor). They debated on our antenna, here is what to remember.

In Sarcelles (Val d’Oise), one thing is certain: the next mayor will be on the left. The two candidates present in the second round, Patrick Haddad (outgoing mayor PS) and François Pupponi (Various left) debated on France 3 Paris Ile-de-France this Friday evening.

And from the outset, it was the question of this return of the former mayor François Pupponi (elected at the head of the town from 1997 to 2017) that was addressed. The latter promised: “of course”, he will remain mayor. “I chose to come back because when we fought for 20 years for a city, to have built what we built, to see things deconstruct so quickly, that calls out”, he said.

Patrick Haddad reminded him that he had previously been in his majority. “I am not denying it”, did he declare. “When I went there, in a situation of unique political crisis which consists of having four mayors in fourteen months, this does not exist anywhere else”. He accuses his rival of making a “operation for [le] destabilize “ and claims “a right of inventory” while assuming part of the balance sheet.

► Municipal issues in Sarcelles in 1 min 30:

video length: 01:31

The challenges of the second round of municipal elections in Sarcelles

© France 3 Paris Ile-de-France

Court cases

Another element mentioned, the indictment of François Pupponi for abuse of corporate assets and forgery and use of forgery. It is “suspected of having used for personal purposes the credit card of SEM Chaleur, the company responsible for heating some 40,000 Sarcellois, while he was president” report theAFP. To this he replied: “This affair, it’s been 20 years. I wait for it quite calmly”. And to reply: “When we say that a candidate is indicted, it must be said for both candidates” evoking a complaint from Mourad Chikhaoui (also candidate for mayor of Sarcelles having collected 7.25% of the votes in the first round).

Patrick Haddad then replied: “It’s a libel case I’m sure I will win” and explained that it dates back to an altercation with the other candidate during a city council. “An abuse of social assets on a mixed economy company with 25,000 euros allegedly misappropriated, it has absolutely no relation to telling the truth in city council”.

video length: 01:16

Lively exchange between the candidates about an indictment of François Pupponi

© France 3 Paris Ile-de-France

Living together in Sarcelles

The outgoing mayor, Patrick Haddad, said he wanted “We do not bring Sarcelles only to a question of communities. It would be reductive and it is a prism that would tend to close the communities in on themselves and that is not the message I am sending”. According to him, “working with each one was a good thing, what was lacking in the way in which Mr. Pupponi managed, especially at the end of his mandate, was to work separately with the communities, so that there were no links towards the common space and this is what causes withdrawal “. He targeted his rival’s book “The Emirates of the Republic”. “The Muslim community felt insulted and today it is extremely uplifted.”

François Pupponi told him that “the strength of Sarcelles is the richness of the communities”. “A community in itself does not pose any problems. What poses a problem is that within a community, it is those who are at odds with the Republic. We must fight against community separatism and not against communities “, he added.

On funding for communities, he said he assumed and affirmed: “M. Haddad a continué”, which the latter confirmed. And to add: “The Muslim community of France and Sarcelles poses no difficulty. They are people respectful of the Republic who just ask to live their faith in peace. But in this community are arriving more and more networks linked to radical Islam that we must fight “.

video length: 01:18

Debate between the candidates on obtaining the PS label from Patrick Haddad

© France 3 Paris Ile-de-France

What urban renewal for the municipality?

Finally, the last question that marked the debate: urban renewal. According to François Pupponi (former president of the National Agency for Urban Renovation, ANRU) thinks that a social mix is ​​only possible if “All those who are entitled to housing, whether they are social landlords, prefectures, town halls or employers, ensure that these housing units are allocated to working people” and add: “this is the policy that I led”.

Responding to a question about the concentration of people from the same community: “where it is more complicated is on the attributions by virtue of the origin”, car “in France, we don’t want to talk about ethnic statistics”.

He thus wishes to discuss again the project sent by the current majority to the ANRU. “If I am elected mayor, I will ask for the 260 million euro project again”, this is “more public facilities in particular, more resources for the city, so I have a project that is twice as ambitious”, he said before adding: “I was president of ANRU, I think I know how to negotiate with them”.

Patrick Haddad replied: “what I reproach François Pupponi, it is the concreting of the city which was done in an improbable way”. According to him, “people are amazed to see so much concrete arriving in a city that was already dense from an urban point of view without having thought about the question of how we live in that city, with the schools, with the occupation of the city ​​in general. I put a stop to these constructions “.

Also responding to the question of his project submitted to the ANRU, he said: “there is a difference between what you ask for and what you get”. “I can say a project and ask for 450, I can ask for 800 million euros. 130 million euros is more on a smaller envelope”, he concluded.

duration of the video: 02 min 54

Lively exchange between the candidates on the allocation of land to Muslims supposedly close to Erdogan in Turkey

© France 3 Paris Ile-de-France

Abstention record

The mentor and his former protégé therefore find themselves face to face during this election. In the first round, Patrick Haddad came first by collecting 38.99% of the votes in an election marked by a very strong abstention: 70.47%.

The list now carried by François Pupponi (in the first round, he was in 3rd position above) had collected 36.75% of the votes.

If Patrick Haddad is in the position of favorite, the participation and the postponement of the votes of the first round make the ballot of the second round, next June 28, very uncertain.

► REPLAY – review the debate in Sarcelles

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