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The Highest Covid-19 Cases in Indonesia Globally

Harianjogja.com, JAKARTA—The global death toll due to the Covid-19 outbreak continues to rise to 4,167,679 people with a total of 194,365,141 cases as of today, despite various restrictions imposed by a number of countries, including Indonesia.

The increase in the number of cases occurred for active, moderate, and critical cases, mainly due to the increasingly massive transmission of the Delta variant of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, the number of recovered patients increased to 176.443,714.

According to data from the page Worldometers.info, Sunday (25/7/2021), there were 13,753,748 active cases and 13,669,988 (99.4 percent) of them were in moderate condition, and 0.6 percent or 83,760 classified as critical.

The United States (US), India, and Brazil still remain in the top three with the most cumulative cases. The US recorded a total of 35,183,993 cases, while India and Brazil had 31,371,486 and 19,670,5344 cases, respectively.

Cumulatively, Indonesia is still ranked 14th after shifting from 15th position for accumulated cases globally with 3,127,826.

However, for additional new cases globally, Indonesia is now at the top again with 45,416 cases ahead of India (40,284 cases) and Brazil (38,091). In fact, various policies have been implemented, including the Implementation of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

For additional death rates, Indonesia is also in the top position with 1,415 numbers, ahead of Brazil and Russia. Brazil recorded an additional 1,080 deaths, while Russia had 799.

Source: Worldometers.info

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