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the high school student who challenged Macron inspired a movement on Twitter

Internet users took up the question of the high school student to criticize the appointments of certain ministers.

A high school girl who inspires social networks. Thursday, while Emmanuel Macron was traveling in the Tarn, a young woman arrested him in the middle of a crowd. “You put at the head of the state men accused of rape and violence against women. Why? Please answer me,” she asked him.

The President of the Republic replied that he encouraged free speech, but that was not enough to satisfy the young woman. “I had no answer”, regretted on BFMTV the 18-year-old young woman named Laura. And it would seem that she is not the only one to be frustrated by the explanations of the head of state.

“Hello @EmmanuelMacron”

On social networks, many Internet users, especially from feminist spheres, took up the words of the high school student to challenge the president.

“Hello @EmmanuelMacron, why are you putting men accused of rape and violence against women at the head of the state?”, We could read on Twitter, all decked out with the hashtag #LaQuestionDeLaura. A way of reproaching the resident of the Élysée for having appointed Gérald Darmanin or Damien Abad to the government.

Since Friday, these tweets are found in France trends on the social network, with more than 55,300 posts published this Sunday. Among the personalities who asked the famous question, we find feminists like Caroline De Haas, politicians like the legislative candidate for the Nupes Charlotte Minvielle or even influencers like the historian and popularizer Manon Bril.

An “intimidation” of the gendarmes?

Despite the scale of the phenomenon, Emmanuel Macron did not return to the affair which took place in the last hours of the campaign for the legislative elections. However, this file took on another dimension after the gendarmes took the initiative to visit Laura while it was in full swing on Friday. In particular, they offered her to file a complaint because she had defined herself as a victim of sexual assault, before explaining to her that she should not have challenged the president in this way.

Faced with the outcry on social networks, the gendarmerie wanted to be forgiven. “We would like to apologize to her if our approach to meeting her in high school was poorly perceived and she considers us to have been awkward,” they wrote. Laura indeed considered that it was not “trivial” that the police come to see her in her high school after the sequence, going so far as to speak of “intimidation”.

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