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The high content of uric acid in the blood exposes you to gout .. 4 tips for prevention

High levels of uric acid can lead to disease goutWhich can be painful and dangerous, and eating certain foods can lead to increased uric acid, so in this report we learn tips for reducing blood uric acid and preventing gout, according to the ‘Health’ website.

Uric acid is a waste product in the blood, produced when you eat foods rich in purines. Purines are chemical compounds made up of carbon and nitrogen atoms, which are broken down in the body.

Having too much uric acid in your system can cause a condition called hyperuricemia and lead to the formation of uric acid crystals that are deposited in the joints and cause gout.

High Uric Acid Symptoms

Some of the signs and symptoms to look out for include:

Gout affects the joints. Some of the commonly affected joints include ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and fingers.

You may feel discomfort after the initial pain subsides and it can last for a few weeks or longer.

You may have difficulty moving your joints.

Symptoms you may experience are swollen, tender, and red joints.

How is uric acid reduced?

A high level of uric acid occurs when the kidneys do not eliminate it efficiently. Eating a high-protein diet and increasing sugar intake can cause the problem.

It can cause painful inflammation in the body, leading to gout or joint pain.

Certain lifestyle changes and eliminating purine-rich foods can help reduce uric acid in the body.

1. Eat more foods that contain vitamin C

A study published in the Journal of Rheumatology found that people who took vitamin C had lower levels of uric acid than those who consumed less.

Another study in the Archives of Internal Medicine reports that vitamin C can reduce the risk of gout.Some of the best sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, peppers, strawberries, broccoli and potatoes.

2. Avoid

Foods rich in purines

Eating a purine-rich diet can be beneficial for you. A low-purine diet, which mainly includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Many foods are high in purines, including red meat, seafood, offal, beer, and whiskey.

3. Reduce your intake of artificial sweeteners

Foods high in artificial sweeteners tend to raise uric acid levels and trigger gout. Limit or avoid sugary foods to prevent gout. Soda, bottled juices, pastries, candy, canned soups, and condiments like ketchup or mayonnaise are some of the common artificial sweeteners to avoid.

4. Stay hydrated

You should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, as studies have found that it helps eliminate uric acid from your body.

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