Among the most common advice, some curious notions for losing weight have been discovered on a scientific level, but few people know them.
Eating less processed foods, not consuming carbonated drinks and practicing constant physical exercise are just some of the mantras that have been recommended to us for years in order to lose weight; However, even the little things play a decisive rolewhich often require little effort, but are constantly ignored.
Among the most popular diets of the last period we know that of intermittent fasting, the method that puts our body to ‘rest’ from the intake of calories, usually for a period of 16 hours per day. This technique allows you to take food only in the remaining 8, making our metabolism work in a way that consumes fat during fasting hours. However, science is constantly progressing, which is why, it always provides us new interesting insights on the topic of weight loss.
Scientifically proven natural methods for losing weight
The basic rules for a correct diet, on average they are always the same. The first is certainly to abandon (as much as possible) processed foods, replacing them with other ingredients: wholemeal ones, for example, have a great satiating power, providing the body with very important nutrients.
How to lose weight without difficulty (
Proteins, on the other hand, are seen as the most praised substance in every diet because they give us lots of consumable energy without the fear of them ending up in some area of our body. Among the most encouraging advice in fact, there is that of consuming eggs, so much so that some have made them a specific diet. Obviously for drastic choices you should always consult a doctor; but some research has even established that some measures they would be able to make us lose weight. One of these tips is to Brush your teeth.
According to research conducted by Prof. Gregory Livshits at Tel Aviv University, in fact, those who brush their teeth immediately after eating run a lower risk to have additional post-dinner snacks. During this curious experiment of 540 volunteers, who brushed their teeth after dinner he no longer touched food: element not to be underestimated when you want to lose weight. Toothpaste certainly alters our senses, but it can also alter our mind the size of the plate.
This time, research from Cornell University uncovered this psychological trick. The experiment has in fact established that reducing the size of your plates encourages you to eat 25% less. Basically, in a meal of around 550 calories, you could save (overall) around 420 per day; this is because the size of the plate allows us to visually perceive whether the portion is large or small. In short, the secret to a slimming diet is undoubtedly contained in our habits, but excessive food consumption is a process that first and foremost from our mind.
2023-10-23 18:32:30
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