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The Hidden Flaw in Modern Electric Cars: How Charging Infrastructure Impacts Mileage

Electric cars are now at the peak of popularity both in the world and in Ukraine. They not only reduce the harmful impact on the environment, but also save a lot of money on refueling.

However, as it turned out, everything is not so great. A serious flaw has been discovered in modern electric cars.

In particular, scientists from the American George Washington University decided to compare the mileage of used cars with different types of engines – gasoline, diesel, electric, etc. For this purpose, almost 24 million cars of passenger cars and off-road vehicles were taken.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that electric cars travel much fewer kilometers per year. On average – only about 11,500 km. While cars with internal combustion engines cost almost 19 thousand.

The reason that electric cars usually serve only as an auxiliary vehicle is that in many cities and countries the infrastructure of charging stations is poorly developed.

Interestingly, Tesla brand cars drove much more miles than other brands of electric cars. That is, although they used to say that electric cars and cars with an internal combustion engine can be operated in the same way, the reality is completely different. Electric vehicle range is vastly overrated.


2023-11-15 02:00:00
#flaw #electric #cars #study

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