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The Hidden Dangers of Fashionable Diets: Risks and Side Effects Revealed

There are many people who have gone through various “perfect diets” and ended up suffering because of them. Even if they promise us a perfect body, it seems that these forms of experimental nutrition end up seriously damaging our health.

What dangers hide the most fashionable diets

People are not aware of the risks they are taking when they are chasing the perfect vacation picture. Experts point out that quick fixes are not the answer.

In just one year, from 2021 to 2022, the number of people adopting diets and eating behaviors increased by 13% in the United States.

Moreover, there are risks associated with these actions that are highlighted by doctors, he notes digi24.ro.

“Fasting is quite fashionable, people fast, they don’t eat for 8-10 hours, and the most common side effect is severe hypoglycemia – you get dizzy, you feel like you’re getting a headache, you feel very hungry, you feel like the earth is spinning with you and at some point you even get to the guard room.

When you start refeeding, if you had a drastic diet, you can end up with pancreatitis, with a drastic pain in the upper abdomen”, said Constantin Ciprian, diabetes and metabolic diseases primary physician.

According to him, deficiencies are also a problem: “Vitamin D deficiency is the most common problem.”

“We end up on restrictive diets because we eat excessively, nutritionally unbalanced. Most of the time, stress is responsible”, said Lygia Alexandrescu, nutritionist.

2023-07-10 11:24:12
#hidden #danger #fad #diets #people

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