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The Hidden Costs of Obesity: How to Avoid Them

In a world of sweet temptations and fast food menus, we are increasingly distracted from healthy, correct and natural eating. But the risks of obesity are greater than our appetites. Here are the hidden costs of being overweight and how we can avoid them.

Obesity and overweight are major health problems and leading preventable causes of death in developed and developing countries. Obesity affects men and women differently, but obesity has been shown to be the leading risk factor for physical illness and mental health disorders in women.

Obesity contributes to the risk of certain types of cancer, especially breast, endometrial and gallbladder cancer, and in terms of reproductive health, obesity negatively affects both fertility and contraception.

In terms of mental health, obesity is closely linked to depression, anxiety disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and sleep disorders.

A problem little discussed in Europe, but closely observed in the US, is that people who are underweight have lower productivity in the work field than normal-weight people, as they take many more sick leave days and report more frequent levels of burnout or exhaustion and have lower wage incomes than normal-weight people with the same seniority and work experience.

Causes and complications of obesity and overweight

Cori Grămescu, nutritionist and Pilates trainer reveals the hidden costs of obesity and especially how we can treat them.

“Obesity is a complex disease, the result of many different parts of a person’s life happening over a long period of time. Things that can affect your weight include:

● the family environment – during childhood, parents control their children’s nutrition and physical activity. This family context can influence her weight as an adult, and there are many studies that link a mother’s sedentary lifestyle to children’s weight gain;

● genetic inheritance, as children with obese parents have a predisposition to gain weight;

● fluctuations in metabolism caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, but especially by repeated weight loss diets and sedentarism;

● age (metabolism slows down as we age, but more important is the fact that with age we become increasingly static and sedentary, and because of this, as we age, we lose muscle);

● trauma (women who experience serious, negative events during childhood and adolescence, such as abuse or a parent with an alcohol problem or sexual harassment, are more likely to suffer from obesity in adulthood. Also, women who experience a traumatic event at any time and develop PTSD may be more likely to gain weight rapidly after the event and develop obesity);

● medications (many of the medications women take daily, including medications for mental health, sleep, and high blood pressure, can cause weight gain or make it harder to lose weight. If you are taking any prescription medication and are struggling with extra pounds, talk to the doctor about the prescribed medicine and possible alternatives);

● sleep (lack of sleep and its quality can lead to weight gain. Researchers think this may be because poor quality sleep can affect your hormone levels, which can affect your appetite and food choices).

Overweight and obesity indirectly cause millions of deaths each year. Even a small weight loss (3% to 5% of body weight or less) has been shown to help reduce the risk of serious health problems.

“Obesity is a complex reality that affects not only the physical appearance, but also the whole body and our well-being. Therefore, it is important to have an open dialogue about this problem and understand how it affects various aspects of our lives, but above all to understand that there are solutions we can turn to to free ourselves from this burden. Obesity can bring significant challenges, especially for busy mothers with young children, where time and resources are often limited. But, even in these circumstances, there are pragmatic solutions to improve health and well-being”, explains nutritionist Cori Grămescu.

Among the most common problems faced by women who have a significant number of extra pounds are:

● chronic fatigue and concentration difficulties;

● bloating and heartburn, as well as digestive problems in general (constipation, hemorrhoids);

● movement difficulties that fall within the definition of physical disabilities (knee, sole, back and neck pain). Falls are much more common in overweight people and are much more difficult to heal, often causing permanent sequelae;

● urinary incontinence;

● problems with organization and healthy emotional self-regulation;

● lack of sleep.

What does Cori Grămescu propose to combat these problems caused by obesity and excess weight? “Within the Better Body program we launched this method of obesity management through natural interventions – diet, sports, sleep and somatic practices, which is combined with a nutritional education component aimed at clarifying most of the food choices that the clients of the program I do every day.”

Better Body is an accelerated weight loss program for obese women that facilitates the loss of 5% of body weight per month through a personalized diet, exercise program and a revolutionary coaching method for a healthy lifestyle. The result of an 18-year career in amateur sports and nutrition, the program created by Cori Gramescu helps women who want to get rid of obesity to succeed in making a deep and lasting change in their everyday choices. In parallel with the nutritional education modules, somatic practices and the individual sports program, Better Body brings for the first time mentoring sessions with clients who have successfully undergone massive weight loss through natural methods and referral by a multidisciplinary medical team (endocrinology, diabetes, cardiology, gynecology) to ensure a smooth and satisfactory course for clients.


2023-11-14 10:56:17
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