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The herb that helps blood circulation and improves your blood pressure

He thymean aromatic herb commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine, has gained notoriety not only for its distinctive flavor, but also for its powerful medicinal properties. Since ancient times, its ability to improve cardiovascular health has been recognized, particularly for its ability to relax blood vessels, facilitating better blood circulation. Not only does this herb enrich culinary dishes, but it may also be key to controlling cholesterol and preventing heart disease.

One of the most notable effects of thyme is its ability to reduce blood pressure, which has been confirmed in various scientific investigations. A study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition showed that the consumption of thyme extract in rodents significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This result is attributed to its relaxing effect on blood vessels, allowing a circulation more fluid and balanced, which in turn contributes to less strain on the heart.

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In addition to its direct impact on blood pressure, thyme It is also a natural ally for cholesterol control. Its regular consumption, especially in the form of an infusion, helps to balance blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases in the long term. This effect is due in part to the polyphenols present in the plant, which act as powerful antioxidants, protecting cells from the damage that free radicals can cause.

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The antioxidant capacity of thyme has been another of its great attributes. According to a study published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevitythe antioxidants present in thyme not only protect the cardiovascular system, but also help combat cellular aging, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases. These benefits make it an excellent complement to a healthy and balanced diet.

Prepare a thyme infusion This is a simple way to take advantage of all its benefits. You only need a handful of fresh thyme leaves and a cup of water. After boiling the water, add the thyme leaves and let them infuse for a few minutes. When straining the tea, you can add honey, lemon or ginger to improve its flavor and enhance its properties.

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