Experiencing this national holiday together with you is a real community experience – Mayor Csaba Dióssi said in his festive greeting at the city celebration organized at the airport, where the world-famous work of Levente Szörényi and János Bródy, the cross-section of the rock opera István, the King, who was celebrating his 40th birthday, could be viewed by thousands of people. main celebratory audience.
The hearts of the thousands of citizens of Dunakes who celebrated on the stands raised around the huge stage set up at the airport and in the middle of the giant square beat together with the István, the king’s rock opera artists and the mayor who greeted them, who said movedly: “It was worth working for this, it was worth negotiating, asking that today, in Dunakesz, many favorite tunes from the most popular Hungarian rock opera, such as Szép Magyarország, sweet homeland, will be sung! I looked at you and I will never forget this moment. I love you Dunakeszi! God bless Hungary!” – were the words of the mayor, whose greeting was greeted with huge applause by the celebrating Dunakesians.

Taking the stage on a wonderful evening under the summer sky, Dr. Justice Minister Bence Tuzson, the city’s parliament representative, recalled in his celebratory speech that 940 years ago, our King Saint László raised King Saint István to the altar, thus paying tribute to the historic act of founding the state. He pointed out that there are only two nations in Europe – Hungary and France – whose statehood has been continuous for 1000 years. “This small country, Hungary, has always existed in some form. Sometimes it was less independent, sometimes it was smaller. Sometimes it was bigger, but in the last thousand years there has always been a country called Hungary, because we Hungarians have a special ability, the ability to remain,” said the Minister of Justice, who added: this ability is the beautiful Hungarian lies in the language and the beautiful Hungarian culture.

In his celebratory speech, Dr. Bence Tuzson emphasized: “one of the main goals of our time – to preserve our culture, faith and values, even in the most difficult circumstances, as we have been doing for more than 1,000 years.”
As the hostess of the festive event, Helga Szeredi, an employee of the Dunakeszi Program Office, said in her greeting, we can take part in the most monumental celebration in the history of Dunakeszi on August 20, where the most successful rock opera in Hungary, the timeless work of the author duo Levente Szörényi and János Bródy, István, the King, will be staged this year for 40 years. .’s birthday.

This monumental rock opera cross-section, dealing with the historical era of the birth of our statehood and the struggle between István and Koppány, was directed by producer Pál Feke, who once again made a lasting impression in the role of King István, the founder of Christian Hungary. With bated breath, the audience listened to the struggle of the brothers, István and Koppány (Attila Dolhai), which was sung in high-level artistic singing. Andrea Malek, who portrayed Gizella, Bernadett Vágó as Sarolt, Zoltán Miller, the chronicler, and the rest of the actors gave an acting performance worthy of the monumental work that spanned decades, who gave the people of Dunakesje a wonderful experience, whose hearts beat together with the artists recalling our history. The huge applause and the singing together are the eloquent testimony that the eternal desire of all of us is the rule of peace, freedom, morality and law, and national unity.
The city’s St. Stephen’s Day celebration was a fitting end to the fireworks that colored the sky at the Dunakes airport.
Imre Vetési
Photo: Krisztián Tóta