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The Heartbreaking Moment: Nikki Nachat’s Emotional Encounter with Toon Bodyslam

Everyone has an artist in their heart. Just like those entertainers who are stars themselves. But there is also a star in my heart like “Nikki Nachat” who once revealed that he was drunk and sad after being heartbroken and greeted “Toon Bodyslam” until in the end young Nikki cried because Toon replied. that “I’m fine.”

Recently, a young man, Nikki, posted on his personal Instagram account @nickynachat, revealing a picture of him meeting P’Toon, embracing P’Toon with a caption stating, “Sorry I got drunk and liked you. DM me to say I love you.” “

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Among the many entertainers and fans who continued to comment.

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Here it is!! Let’s hope this couple develops their relationship. If they really are together, the whole industry will be happy.
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