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the health situation is deteriorating in Deux-Sèvres, the prefecture is taking new measures

The health situation is deteriorating in Deux-Sèvres for 15 days. “We are seeing an increase in the circulation of the virus in the department”, indicates Laurent Flament, the director of the ARS in Deux-Sèvres. The incidence rate, i.e. the number of confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants, has increased sharply to reach 57,2. And the positivity rate for screening tests, at 6.2%, is still increasing.

Sept clusters were recorded as of October 15, of which “two in nursing homes, in Vasles and Argentonnay with a total of more than 20 people concerned, residents and staff. One person is hospitalized and investigations are still ongoing”, details Laurent Flament.

Six hospitalizations are in progress in the department including one in intensive care. Niort hospital has started preparing for the opening of a covid medicine unit.

Wearing a reinforced mask

In this context, the prefect of Deux-Sèvres Emmanuel Aubry, decided to strengthen certain measures in the department.

The wearing a mask is now mandatory :

  • on all markets
  • to the shopping center car parks
  • around and in the cemeteries
  • on the forecourt of schools, during class entry and exit times, as well as at public transport hubs

The prefect also suspends all late opening waivers for bars and drinking establishments after two in the morning.

These measures come into force this Saturday, October 17 and are valid for the moment until November 14, 2020. Emmanuel Aubry warns “If the health situation continues to worsen, I could be led in the days to come to toughen these measures, for example by extending the wearing of masks to certain town centers or certain municipalities, or restrict the opening of certain establishments “.

New measures linked to the state of health emergency in France

The whole country is now in state of health emergency. This situation also implies several measures which apply in Deux-Sèvres as elsewhere in France.

These include theban on gatherings of more than six people on public roads. There are exceptions, protest demonstrations, for example, authorized in compliance with health instructions. No more than six per table in bars or restaurants either.

In establishments open to the public where people walk upright, such as museums, salons, shopping centers, the rule imposes 4m² per person. For those with seating areas like cinemas, theaters, stadiums, you need a one seat distance between two people or groups of six people.

Details of all measurements can be found on the Deux-Sèvres prefecture website.

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