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The Health Benefits of Yogurt: Lower Blood Pressure and Boost Immunity

Yogurt rich in nutrients such as protein and probiotics, lowers blood pressure and improves the immune system

Entered 2023.09.12 20:30 Views 47 Entered 2023.09.12 20:30 Modified 2023.09.12 15:41 Views 47

If you eat low-sugar yogurt every day, you can not only consume abundant nutrients, but also boost your immunity and take care of your heart and mental health.[사진=게티이미지뱅크]When reading articles about healthy foods, one of the representative foods that often appears is yogurt. Another great advantage of yogurt is that it is delicious, easy, and can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. Recently, Greek yogurt is sold in a variety of products, from full-fat to fat-free, high-protein to lactose-free, making it even more attractive because you can choose the product that suits you.

What changes will happen to our bodies if we eat this good yogurt every day? Let’s refer to ‘Eat This, Not That’, an American health and food information media, to find out the health benefits of yogurt and whether there are any precautions to be taken.

A variety of nutrients, including protein and calcium, in one bite

Yogurt is rich in various nutrients such as protein and calcium and is good for your health. In particular, Greek yogurt is healthy because it is low in sugar and fat and high in protein. Rich in protein is also the main reason why yogurt is considered a good snack. This is because protein reduces the hormones that make you feel hungry and suppresses your appetite as much as possible, creating a feeling of fullness. If you add fruit, granola, or nuts to your yogurt, you can get through until your next meal.

It is also rich in calcium, a very important nutrient for muscles, blood vessels, and bones. When our body lacks calcium, it draws calcium from the bones and uses it, so consuming enough calcium through food is very important for maintaining bone health. By eating yogurt, you can also properly consume phosphorus, which is good for your bones, magnesium, which affects energy metabolism, sleep, and mood, and potassium, a nutrient related to blood pressure.

Helps with digestive and immune systems as well as mental health

The probiotics in yogurt increase the number of ‘good’ bacteria that help your digestive system function properly. When the intestinal microbiome, which refers to the collection of microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast that live in the large intestine, is healthy, the intestines exercise regularly and abdominal bloating and overall discomfort felt in the gastrointestinal tract are greatly reduced. It can also relieve symptoms related to Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Healthy intestinal microorganisms prevent dangerous bacteria from entering our body, naturally improving our immunity. In addition, probiotics produce vitamin K, which is necessary for healthy blood clotting, and can contribute to our body’s natural healing.

Additionally, it is also positive for mental health. Recently, research results proving the connection between the gut and the brain are increasing. In other words, if our intestines are healthy, our brain, or mental health, can also improve. In fact, some studies have shown that probiotics improve anxiety, depression, stress, mood, and memory. It cannot be said that taking it once or twice will be effective, but if you take it every day for a long period of time, you can feel definite changes in your body and mind.

Not all yogurts contain probiotics, so if you want to fully enjoy the benefits of consuming yogurt, it is best to check whether or not it contains probiotics before purchasing the product.

Lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart

According to a study published in the Journal of Hypertension in 2018, the higher the intake of dairy products, the lower the incidence of high blood pressure in adults. Additionally, studies have shown that high protein intake can lower blood pressure levels. Yogurt is a protein-rich dairy product that, when consumed consistently, helps lower blood pressure and improve heart health. In particular, research has shown that yogurt containing probiotics lowers LDL cholesterol, known as bad cholesterol.

Be cautious about sugar intake

Yogurt is a healthy food that is rich in nutrients, strengthens immunity, and prevents cardiovascular disease, but you need to be careful about consuming sugar. Most yogurts sold commercially contain excessive amounts of added sugar. Try to avoid fruit-flavored or overly sweet yogurt as much as possible. Still, if you are desperate for delicious yogurt, it can be a good idea to add fresh fruits such as blueberries to plain yogurt or Greek yogurt with low added sugar.

2023-09-12 11:30:49

#eat #day #Immunity #mugwort #heart #strong

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