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The Health Benefits of Walking: Why Moderate Intensity is Better for Weight Loss


Some people may get used to walking every day, regardless of their intention to exercise. For example, when traveling to the office, to college, or to certain places that can still be reached on foot.

However, apparently walking has very good benefits for physical and mental health.

For the maximum effect of walking, doctors recommend, try walking with moderate intensity (moderate speed) for at least 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week.

Walking this way can burn calories, help improve the immune system, and help the weight loss process. It is said that running is more effective at burning calories and body fat, so many people prefer running to walking to save time.

“Strong intensity definitely burns more calories. Brisk walking with moderate intensity can burn more calories than running. Moderate intensity is the most beneficial for improving the immune system,” explained sports medicine specialist Dr. Anita Suryani, SpKO to detikcom.

“When it comes to matters, the benefits are just as big depending on the goal. Moderate intensity fitness goals are enough. Burning calories can be done at high or heavy intensity,” explained Dr. Anita.

According to Dr. Anita, if the goal is to lose weight, it is better to walk at a moderate intensity than to run.

“It’s different with the goal of losing weight, moderate intensity is better because to burn fat you need oxygen. To burn belly fat and other parts you don’t need to run, it’s more effective to just walk briskly for 30-40 minutes,” added Dr. Anita.

Walking is a type of aerobic exercise to increase heart and lung endurance. As explained by doctors, daily walking is no less beneficial than strenuous exercise, especially for people who don’t have much time to exercise.

Come on, get to know more about sports and walking techniques through the Indonesia Heart Walk 2023 event on 28 September 2023 at GBK, Senayan, South Jakarta.

The event held by the Indonesian Heart Foundation (YJI) together with the Association of Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialist Doctors (PERKI) is part of the event commemorating World Heart Day or World Heart Day 2023. At this event, the ‘Indonesia Heart Walk 2023’ activity will be held with a route forming ‘ heart’ in the GBK Senayan area.

Of course there is a lot of excitement and prizes to be had at this event. Further information can be accessed HERE.

Watch the video “Walking and its Good Effects on Health


2023-09-19 00:00:30
#Cheapest #Exercise #Benefits #Regular #Walking #Day #Health

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