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The Health Benefits of Sleeping on Your Left Side

Scientists say that sleeping on your left side is much better for your heart and stomach health.

Which side is better to sleep on for your health?

After conducting research and experiments, experts have found that sleeping on the left side is beneficial for health. In their opinion, when a person sleeps in this position, the body activates the processes of the digestive system, which has a positive effect on digestion. Additionally, metabolic processes are improved, in particular, toxins are removed and cells are cleansed.

Which side is better for your stomach? Scientists say that sleeping on the right side negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupting the proper functioning of the digestive system. Such sleep also impairs the functioning of the lymphatic system, which leads to various health complications, in particular heart disease.

According to experts, sleeping on your back is also harmful, because this position makes breathing difficult. This is due to the fact that the level of oxygen in the blood drops, so the lungs and bronchi immediately suffer. Sleeping on your back causes snoring. First of all, scientists urge pregnant women to stay awake on their backs, because then the mother’s body weight will put pressure on the fetus.

Scientists have found that sleeping on the left side is also better if you often suffer from heartburn at night. This position significantly reduces the symptoms of heartburn, since the junction of the esophagus and stomach is located above the level of stomach acid. But constantly sleeping on the right side, on the contrary, can lead to an exacerbation of the problem.

Which side is better to sleep on for your heart? Although it may seem strange, for proper heart function you need to sleep on your left side. This will help minimize the risk of heart disease and facilitate the functioning of this organ. When you lie on your left side, you help your heart pump blood with the weight of your body.

If you’re not used to sleeping on your left side, it may take some practice. To improve your sleep, try placing a pillow behind your back or under your knees to prevent your body from turning over while you sleep.

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2023-11-07 09:55:13
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