Home ยป Health ยป The Health Benefits of Singing Together: Why Group Singing is Fun and Good for You

The Health Benefits of Singing Together: Why Group Singing is Fun and Good for You

Singing is nice. But singing with a group of others is even nicer or at least less scary. In a choir or in the football stands and pub, we like to sing together. But why?

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Singing together is an activity that has many benefits for your body and mind. Here are some reasons why singing together is so much fun:

Singing together reduces stress. A 2017 study measured the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone, in participants’ saliva before and after singing. The researchers found that cortisol levels were lower after singing, suggesting that people felt more relaxed after singing a song. Singing together stimulates the immune response. There is some evidence that singing can boost your immune system and help you fight infections. A 2004 study compared the effects of singing to the effects of just listening to music. Those who sang showed higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody your body secretes to protect you from infection. Singing together raises the pain threshold. When you sing in a group, whether it’s a large choir or a smaller group, the collective singing causes your body to release endorphins. This hormone can induce positive feelings and even change your pain perception. A 2012 study found that singing, drumming and dancing in a group triggers the release of hormones that increase your pain tolerance in a way that listening to music alone does not. Singing together improves breathing, posture and muscle tone. Singing is a particularly beneficial activity for improving these aspects of your physical health1. Singing can also help reduce snoring because it changes the way you breathe, even when you’re not singing.

Singing together is therefore not only fun, but also healthy. It is a way to feel connected to others, improve your mood and promote your well-being.

Bron(nen): Washington Post

2023-09-02 05:06:31
#singing #fun #wel.nl

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