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The Health Benefits of Milk: Boosting Immunity and Managing Wellness during Seasonal Changes

Entered 2023.09.15 10:00 Views 64 Entered 2023.09.15 10:00 Modified 2023.09.14 19:00 Views 64

[사진=게티이미지뱅크]As we enter mid-September and the daily temperature difference is large, it is easy for the immune system to collapse due to sudden environmental changes. In times like these, you need to control your condition by maintaining regular exercise and sleep patterns, but it is difficult to maintain this in your busy daily life. Is there a simple way to stay healthy during the change of seasons?

Milk is generally known to be good for bone health, so it is rare for people to drink it to control their physical condition. However, milk is so diverse in nutrients that it is called a complete food and is rich in ingredients that help with immunity, making it perfect for seasonal changes. This is because it contains up to 114 nutrients, including not only calcium, but also protein, vitamin D, potassium, and magnesium.

Vitamin D, which is abundant in milk, is considered a beneficial nutrient for strengthening immunity and managing physical strength. A research team at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, found that vitamin D is involved in activating immune cells (T cells). T cells play a role in fighting against pathogens, and if their function declines, this can lead to worsening immunity. This means that if you lack vitamin D, your immunity may decline.

The protein in milk is also useful for managing your condition. 1 cup (200ml) of milk has approximately 6.4g of protein. This is similar to one egg (about 7g), which is known to be a high-protein food. In addition, milk contains a variety of essential amino acids, such as leucine, tryptophan, and lysine, which cannot be produced directly by our bodies and must be supplemented through food. Research has shown that leucine helps with physical strength by promoting muscle synthesis and preventing muscle loss.

Tryptophan not only improves immunity but also has a positive effect on inducing sleep. In fact, according to the results of a survey by the Seoul Sleep Center, the brain wave response on days when milk was drunk was more stable than on days when milk was not drunk, and milk was found to help with sound sleep. In addition, milk contains globulin, an antibody protein that prevents various diseases, and lactoferrin, which is beneficial for anti-inflammation and immunity.

Experts say that drinking even one glass of milk a day can provide various health benefits, including strengthening the immune system and replenishing stamina. It is advised that drinking it before going to bed can help relax the body and relieve stress. If you feel uncomfortable with cold milk, you can eat it warm to reduce the burden on your stomach, or hold the milk in your mouth and chew it. It is also good to make milk tea by adding black tea leaves (2-3g) to milk or adding honey to it.

2023-09-15 01:01:16

#Managing #condition #change #seasons…Easy #glass #milk

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