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The Health Benefits of Maize: Why You Should Consider Polenta Instead of Bread

Maize is rich in unsaturated fatty acids (85 — 90%), contains many hydrocarbons, starch, albumins, a lot of B vitamins, vitamin E, vitamin K, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium and fiber.

Even if it loses its nutrients through boiling, more than 60% of them are preserved.

It has astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties, being used primarily as a food (cereal) and then as a medicinal plant. It has long been used in traditional Romanian cuisine through cooked sorghum flour.

It has an effect against stress as it is rich in vitamins from the B group, especially vitamin B1, which has an effect on the functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart and the production of red blood cells. Thanks to its vitamin E content, it protects us against arthritis, lowers cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and, implicitly, heart attacks. It also helps the cell renewal process. Moreover, boiled corn also contains potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the muscles and the heart.

Hyperacid gastritis and ulcers are relieved by eating warm polenta instead of bread, polenta having, in addition to the effect of reducing acidity, also a slightly calming, sedative action.

The carbohydrates contained in corn provide energy and prevent the deposition of fat, according to doctorulzilei.ro. A moderate consumption can even lead to weight loss because certain molecules in the composition of corn accelerate the breakdown of fats. At the same time, vitamin A, contained in corn, is a very important natural antioxidant for your health and the correct functioning of the body, for a fast metabolism, which helps you lose weight easily.

Due to its richness in fiber, corn regulates intestinal transit. It is also a good diuretic and, consumed regularly, can prevent water retention in the body. Corn silk, consumed in the form of tea, is also indicated for detoxification.

German specialists in plant cell biology from the University of Cologne recently discovered the presence in corn kernels of some substances derived from arachidic and palmitic acids, extremely important for the health of the body. The substances involved are, from a chemical point of view, fatty acids, keto-acids, resulting from the oxidation of palmitic and arachidic acid.

The consumption of polenta regulates the concentration of glucose in the blood, being useful for diabetics. The polenta is an adjuvant in detoxifying the body and cleaning the intestines. The detoxifying effect of the substances in corn eases the liver’s effort to neutralize toxic substances, considerably reducing the risk of liver failure and cirrhosis.

So it can also be consumed by those with intolerance or celiac disease and successfully replaces rice, wheat and other gluten grains. It helps prevent lung cancer due to its high content of beta-cryptoxanthin. It protects vision, thanks to the zeaxanthin it contains. It helps to maintain cognitive abilities and slows down the aging process of the brain by up to 10%, thanks to the high thiamine content. It helps strengthen the immune system and prevent colon cancer. It positively influences the mood. It cures cold by its vitamin A content. Pregnant women can ensure the necessary dose of folic acid.

It is recommended to eat boiled corn plain, not with high-calorie foods. An exclusive consumption of polenta for long periods of time can lead to the appearance of a disease called pellagra. To avoid it, it is recommended to consume polenta together with dairy or other animal products. From the point of view of nutritional value, corn is below what is needed, therefore it is not recommended to be offered to babies often. In its raw state, it can cause allergies. Corn is not on the list of foods most contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. Also, if it is genetically modified, it can affect fertility, can lead to liver and kidney disease, recent studies show.

In a post on Facebook, Dr. Mihaela Bilic proposed that we return to the pole. If you don’t want bread anymore, try polenta.

If our grandparents ate polenta every day and valued the flour for bread and cakes as festive, today bread has become so banal that we no longer find any virtue in it. If he keeps gaining weight and has gluten, what would you say about a return to polenta?, wrote the famous nutritionist, writes exquis.ro.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-10-10 22:43:19
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