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The Health Benefits of Fish Oil: Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Heart, Brain, and More


Omega-3 is said to be very good for the health of the body’s organs. These nutrients can be obtained from fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines. However, if you don’t consume fish, fish oil supplements could be a good alternative.

Reported on the Medical News Today page, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) provide guidelines that consuming fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids has a good impact on the health of the heart, brain, eyes and fetal development.

However, the body is unable to produce omega-3 independently. Therefore, detikers need to get these nutrients by consuming food sources, such as fish.

However, there are people who cannot eat fish for certain reasons. As a substitute, fish oil supplements are said to be an option to get enough omega-3 fatty acids for the body.

Fish oil is a fat extracted from fish tissue. These include mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, and sometimes it is made from the liver of the fish. About 30% of fish oil consists of omega-3 and the rest consists of other fats. In addition, fish oil usually contains a number of vitamins, such as A and D.

So, what are the health benefits of fish oil? Find out the information in the description below.

Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish oil, which contains omega-3 and vitamins A and D, is believed to have a number of health benefits. Quoted from Healthline, here are the benefits of fish oil:

1. Supports Heart Health

Heart disease is the highest cause of death in the world. Fish oil supplements can help reduce the risk associated with heart problems. Even so, further research is needed that fish oil can prevent heart attacks or strokes.

2. Can reduce inflammation

Fish oil has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. This can help reduce symptoms such as joint pain and body stiffness in inflammatory diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis.

3. Support Eye Health

People who don’t get enough omega-3s have a greater risk of eye disease. In addition, human eye health will begin to decline in old age. Therefore, consuming fish is recommended to help prevent eye diseases. However, it is not yet clear whether consuming fish oil has the same effect as eating fish.

4. Help improve skin health

Skin health can decline throughout life, especially as we age and get too much sun exposure. Consuming fish oil is said to be beneficial for the skin and helps with a number of skin disorders such as psoriasis and dermatitis.

5. Support pregnancy and baby development

Omega-3 is very important for the growth and development of the fetus in early pregnancy. Therefore, detikers need to get enough of this content. Consumption of omega-3 fish oil supplements at this time can improve fetal brain development.

If consumed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it can improve the baby’s vision development and help reduce the risk of allergies.

6. Can reduce fat in the liver

The liver processes most of the fat in the body and plays a role in weight gain. Therefore, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) where fat accumulates in the liver can occur.

Consuming fish oil supplements can help reduce fat in the liver and symptoms of NAFLD.

7. Help Improve Symptoms of Depression

Studies show people with major depression appear to have lower levels of omega-3s in the blood. Fish oil supplements rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are said to help improve symptoms of depression.

8. Can improve child development

Children may experience neurodevelopmental conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Consuming adequate amounts of omega-3 fish oil supplements may be important to prevent this condition early in life.

9. Help Overcome Certain Mental Conditions

A number of studies have found that people with certain mental health conditions have lower blood levels of omega-3.

There are also studies showing that omega-3s can prevent the onset or improve the symptoms of some mental health conditions. For example, it can reduce the possibility of psychotic disorders in those at risk.

Taking fish oil supplements may reduce some symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, although the available data is less consistent.

These are a number of health benefits of fish oil supplements containing omega-3. So, don’t forget to consume omega-3 fatty acids, detikers!

Watch the video “These are 5 habits that make your heart healthy”


2023-09-16 21:15:36
#Benefits #Fish #Oil #Health #Good #Heart #Fetus

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