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The Health Benefits of Dried Mushrooms: Preserving Valuable Substances for Improved Health

All valuable substances are preserved in dried mushrooms.

You can’t improve your health without mushrooms

Autumn is the traditional time for mushroom hunting. Thousands of city dwellers flock to the forests to find a basket or two of delicious honey mushrooms, boletuses, saffron milk caps and other mushrooms. And all because it is a very healthy and tasty product.

As nutritionist Marina Sorokina said, wild mushrooms contain protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that make us invulnerable to viruses and bacteria.

For example, B vitamins, which are abundant in wild mushrooms, can reduce stress levels, become less emotional and not have problems with the thyroid gland. The latter is also taken care of by vitamin D, which can also be found in the gifts of nature. In addition, the sunshine vitamin strengthens bones and protects children from rickets.

– The best part is that there is no cholesterol in mushrooms. Therefore, even people with diabetes and who have an increased risk of developing atherosclerosis can eat them. With the help of mushrooms, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, explains the doctor.

How to preserve vitamins inside mushrooms?

But in order to get the maximum benefit from the gifts of nature, you need to be able to prepare them correctly.

Of course, you can marinate and pickle mushrooms. This makes them tastier, but there will be little benefit in them.

And if you want to enjoy the unique taste and strengthen the immune system, then it is better to dry the mushrooms. And then you can boil or fry them. But even if you grind them into powder and add them to soups, sauces or purees in this form, you will still get gastronomic pleasure. And as a pleasant bonus – improve your health.

2023-10-05 12:16:09

#doctor #named #mushrooms

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