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The Health Benefits of Coffee: What Dutch Researchers Have Discovered

Enjoy your cup of comfort, because coffee is healthy. Dutch researchers now also have this demonstrated. And you don’t even have to stick to one cup. No, more is better. Until about four cups then.

Scientists from Wageningen University and UMC Groningen examined more than 80,000 test subjects, most of whom liked a coffee. They appear to have healthier kidneys than non-coffee drinkers and those with diabetes benefit most from the health benefits. Four cups of coffee are healthier than one. Above this level, no further positive effects were found.

“We already saw in other studies a possible beneficial effect of coffee on diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The result of our research fits into that picture,” says Marianne Geleijnse, professor of nutrition and cardiovascular disease at Wageningen University, against RTL News.

It is still unclear what exactly makes coffee so healthy. “It could be due to several factors,” says Geleijnse. “Coffee contains thousands of substances, from antioxidants to caffeine.”

The black gold is not only good for the kidneys. According to previous research, it reduces the risk of Parkinson’s, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, liver and prostate cancer. Coffee is also said to prolong your life in a general sense. Filter coffee is the healthiest because it contains less cafestol, which increases cholesterol.

Bron(nen): RTL News

2023-11-07 17:16:51
#coffee #healthy #cups #drink #wel.nl

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