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The Health Benefits and Potential Risks of Eating Mushrooms

Diabetes prevention, bone health, help prevent depression… May cause hallucinations and addiction

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Mushrooms are a representative healthy food that contains various nutrients. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Mushrooms are great ingredients that can be cooked in many ways and taste great. It is also a low-calorie health food that supplies abundant protein as well as vitamin D, which is necessary for our body, while being low in calories, fat, and sodium. However, mushrooms, such a great food ingredient, can be harmful to our body if eaten incorrectly.

The American health and food information media ‘It’s not that’ introduced the efficacy and dangers of mushrooms by organizing what might happen when you eat mushrooms.

Diabetes prevention and improvement

Mushrooms contain a fiber called ‘beta-glucan’, which is known to improve the function of fat metabolism that synthesizes and decomposes fat and lowers blood sugar levels and blood cholesterol levels. Being able to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels has a very important meaning in preventing and improving diabetes. Shiitake mushrooms ranked first in the top 10 foods that increase good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol announced by the American Heart Association (ACC). However, it is important to take beta-glucan steadily as the effect may disappear at the same time as you stop taking it.

boost immunity

Fresh mushrooms are rich in B vitamins such as riboflavin and niacin, potassium, and selenium, glutathione, ergonthionine and vitamin D, which are antioxidants that remove active oxygen. These nutrients help build a healthy immune system by increasing the levels of various proteins, such as antivirals, in our bodies. The aforementioned beta-glucan is also known to activate the immune function of human normal cells and suppress the proliferation and recurrence of cancer cells.

bones that harden

Eating mushrooms rich in vitamin D strengthens bones. Vitamin D is an essential component for calcium absorption in the body, bone growth, and immune function enhancement, and is mainly synthesized when skin cells are exposed to sunlight. If the weather with insufficient sunlight persists or if you work indoors without sunlight, it is good to supplement the necessary amount through food. Mushrooms grown outdoors are especially rich in ergosterol, which our bodies can convert to vitamin D, making them an excellent choice. It is almost the only food rich in vitamin D among plant foods, so it is especially helpful for those who avoid meat or do not eat well.

anti aging

Does Eating Mushrooms Make You Younger? Antioxidants, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber contained in mushrooms can help maintain firm skin compared to age. High-concentration antioxidants such as glutathione and ergothioneine play a role in relieving physiological stress, and thanks to this, aging symptoms such as wrinkles are reduced.

Depression prevention effect

There is also an opinion that some mushrooms may help prevent depression by helping our bodies better adapt to stress and maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is a phenomenon in which the body tries to maintain a constant internal environment at every moment in response to changes in the external environment and the body, and is maintained through mutual cooperation between the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system (hormones). In fact, according to a clinical trial study in the Journal of Affective Disorders, people who eat white button mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are less likely to suffer from depression than those who do not. It is pointed out that there are limitations such as differences in the degree of depression among the subjects of the investigation, but the results provide a glimpse of some of the mushroom’s efficacy.

intense hallucinations

Most mushrooms, including those sold at the mart, are safe, but some wild mushrooms may contain ‘psilocybin’, so be careful. Mushrooms that contain psilocybin are called magic mushrooms, and eating them can cause dangerous symptoms, including intense hallucinations, irrational behavior, and nausea and vomiting. Psilocybin is metabolized to psilocin, which induces hallucinations similar to that of LSD, a potent drug, and is broken down in the liver and excreted in the urine. It is weaker than LSD, has no dependence, and is stable, so it is often used for therapeutic purposes. However, experts advise that hallucinogenic mushrooms themselves are not very addictive and dangerous, but should not be eaten recklessly as they can play an intermediate role in moving to the next level of drugs.

Poisoning by poisonous mushrooms

As mentioned earlier, some types of mushrooms are not safe for humans. Eating poisonous mushrooms can lead to dehydration, organ failure, and even death, so it’s best to put aside your curiosity about new mushrooms growing in the wild. Nutritionist Janet Coleman emphasized that carelessness is prohibited, saying, “Even a skilled person who has been collecting mushrooms for years can accidentally pick poisonous mushrooms.”

In addition to this, mushrooms are rich in nutrients and very low in calories, making them effective for weight loss. It is also rich in protein, so if you eat mushrooms instead of meat, you can get protein and reduce your calorie and fat intake. Enoki mushroom is good for preventing constipation and improving symptoms by helping bowel movements, and king oyster mushroom is rich in potassium, which helps to regulate osmotic pressure in blood vessels and prevent high blood pressure.

2023-07-18 20:31:34

#good #body.. #dont #eat #mushrooms

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