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The Healing Power of Laughter: Discover the Numerous Benefits

The benefits of laughter are many and important.. Get to know them

You may not have heard the phrase “laughter is the best medicine in the world” before. With all the pressures and worries that we face in our daily lives, our laughter becomes less and less and life takes on a serious and sullen look and we forget that laughter An antidote that cures these stresses and pains. Humor not only improves our mood, but it is scientifically proven that it improves focus and perception, strengthens bonds with the environment, reduces anger, and the best of all is that it is free fun.

Health benefits of laughter

The benefits of laughter for the immune system

Laughter boosts the immune system, as one of the studies published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in the United States of America proved that people who laugh a lot have lower levels of hormones related to stress and higher levels of T cells and cells responsible for defending the body against viruses and germs in general.

Laughter also leads to a decrease in the level of the stress hormone and increases the performance of immune cells and anti-inflammatory bodies, which in turn increases the body’s ability to fight general infections.

Benefits Laughter for the circulator

Laughter instantly gets the blood flowing to all the important parts of the body human body Including the heart, which improves the health of arteries and veins as well.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins

A study published in 2011 in the journal “Proceedings of the Royal Society B” states that researchers and scientists have concluded that the act of laughter itself leads to the secretion of happiness hormones “endorphins” in the body, especially when it is accompanied with deep breathing that helps to relax the muscles, which in turn leads to To reduce the level of pain in the body in general.

The benefits of laughter for weight loss

Laughter is described as a natural medicine that helps you lose weight without any side effects, due to its ability to burn calories. Researchers have found that laughing for 10 to 15 minutes during the day helps burn about 40 calories, which encourages you to laugh more if you intend to lose weight.

Benefits of laughter on blood pressure

Laughter helps in lowering arterial blood pressure, as it enhances the functioning of blood vessels and improves their functions, especially as it facilitates blood flow through them.

Laughter relieves chronic stress

Since laughter raises the happiness hormone and works to reduce the level of stress hormones in the body, it contributes to removing stress and anxiety, or at least reducing their levels.

Laughter fights depression

In a 2015 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, it was found that laughter can actually relieve symptoms of depression.

The benefits of laughter on the average lifespan

Statistics have shown that people with a high sense of humor live longer than people who don’t laugh much, according to a Norwegian study. The effect of laughter has been observed in particular in raising the chances of recovery from different types of cancer as well.

The benefits of laughter for the muscles

Laughing hard moves the diaphragm, stomach, and even the shoulders, leaving muscles relaxed after this gentle exercise. Laughter is also a very suitable exercise for the heart muscle, which pumps blood vigorously in the body during a short bout of laughter. Laughing 100 times equals a 10-minute workout on a rowing machine, a real rowing boat, or a 15-minute workout on a bicycle.

The benefits of laughter for the lungs

Laughter leads to the expansion and expansion of the lungs, which contributes to the expulsion of more air from the lungs than is inhaled, which is considered to have a detoxifying effect, just like deep breathing and organized breathing exercises. The effect of laughter is described as particularly positive for people with respiratory problems such as asthma.

Social benefits of laughter

Entertainment and a sense of humor strengthen the ability to communicate and relationships between people by developing feelings and creating positive connections between them. Group laughter with family or friends can contribute to relaxation and reduce stress, melancholy, and negative feelings. Spending positive time with loved ones or family members and friends while sharing entertaining leisure activities generates positive feelings for the person and leads to the closeness and consolidation of bonds. Laughter is the key to preserving relationships, their radiance, and their vitality. Sharing feelings with others leads to building strong and long-lasting bonds. Laughter increases the enjoyment of relationships and contributes to their steadfastness against difficulties, life problems and time. A sense of humor is an ideal and effective way to get rid of negative feelings and disagreements in general, as it brings people closer to each other and brings points of view closer even in the darkest times. Laughter is also an infectious condition, and the more you laugh, the more you can attract happiness to your life and the lives of those around you. Collective laughter strengthens personal relationships, especially when it results from spending time with family and friends, as it helps to strengthen the direct connection with them face to face and leads to giving a feeling of happiness and relaxation even after the end of laughter or meeting. Laughter resolves conflicts and problems, whether it is with a partner, family members, or co-workers. A person can learn how to use humor to their advantage in building relationships with others rather than letting them sag. It is also an excellent way to build trust in the workplace. Incorporating entertainment, entertainment, and laughter into daily interactions with others can improve the quality of relationships with them, especially with a life partner. The use of laughter in relationships with co-workers, students, friends, or relatives and family members helps strengthen team spirit and strengthens bonds. Laughter is an ideal way for a person to be more spontaneous, which takes him out of his general anxiety and problems that occupy his mind. Laughter also helps overcome doubts, fears, judgments, and criticisms.

How do you incorporate laughter into your daily life?

A smile can be the perfect prelude to laughter, so you can practice smiling. Instead of being completely immersed in your smartphone, raise your head, look around, and smile at the people you are sitting with, the waiter serving you your coffee, the co-workers, or the neighbors you encounter in the elevator. A smile is just as contagious as laughter, and you will notice its effects immediately. It is important not to allow dark thoughts to take over your mind and prevent you from laughing. This step can start by thinking about the positive things in your life, even if they are small, and appreciating them and being grateful for them, which creates a feeling of satisfaction. Try to surround yourself with fun and positive people who are willing to laugh at any time and who can find something funny in the silliest of situations as they will often infect you with laughter. Motivated laughter can lead to the same benefits as spontaneous laughter, so you can sign up for a laughter yoga class or laughter therapy group because hearing others laugh even without knowing why they are laughing can lead to your own laughter. Try to find causes of laughter in your life, such as searching for the latest jokes, or watching prank shows, plays, comedy films, or funny clips on the Internet.

2023-06-30 22:10:42

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