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The head of the summer school at Kansas University in Holzkirchen in an interview about Donald Trump’s role in the storming of the Capitol

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From: Bettina Stuhlweißenburg


American idyll: William Keel stands in front of his daughter Liesel Buschelman’s house in Fairfax, near Washington DC Here his son-in-law, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force, works for the Pentagon. © Liesel Buschelman

On January 13, 2021, the US House of Representatives opened the second impeachment trial against Donald Trump. The Democrats accused the then President of calling for the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. We talked to William “Bill” Keel, Professor Emeritus of German Studies, who lives in Lawrence, Kansas.

Holzkirchen – The 74-year-old is no stranger to Holzkirchen: for 40 years he led the summer school at Kansas University in the market town. Keel is a keen political observer, advocate of German-American dialogue – and Trump voter.

Professor Keel, on January 13, 2021, Trump was charged with inciting the riot. What do you think?

He called on his supporters to demonstrate peacefully. He didn’t plan an overthrow of the state or a riot, even if many people think so. I didn’t believe what happened would happen.

Then how could this have happened?

We are now also a land of unlimited lies. It’s really terrible. I don’t want to defend Trump. He should have accepted the election result, i.e. his defeat against Joe Biden, even if there was bungling. But the Democrats are no angels either: When Trump unexpectedly won against Hillary Clinton in 2016, she didn’t accept the result either. This attitude has spurred supporters to call for impeachment before Trump was in office. Even before the election, the Democrats, with the help of the media and the FBI, had lies spread about Trump. It was Clinton’s campaign strategy to claim that Trump was collaborating with Putin. I watch the Today Journal regularly. There I hear that Trump is lying. But I don’t hear Clinton and the Democrats lying. Well, Trump is paying back in kind.

The images of the storming of the Capitol were reminiscent of a civil war. What’s going on in the US?

We are a divided country. For the previous year there had been protests over race in many cities – Portland, Washington, New York. Shops were burned down, people killed. In Seattle, after the death of George Floyd, an area including the police headquarters was conquered. Trump wanted to send the National Guard to liberate this area, but the mayor of Seattle didn’t want that. Democratic presidential candidates have even backed these riots. The division in society is also reflected in politics: the seats in the Senate are divided equally between Democrats and Republicans. This stalemate is a big problem. Even in the House of Representatives, the Democrats only have a narrow majority and are being led by the radicals. In US history, majorities used to be much clearer. I don’t know how Democrats and Republicans are supposed to talk to each other. They’re talking past each other.

Is there a civil war in the US?

Not with guns. But with words. The pandemic has turned everything upside down. Trump didn’t want to lock down the economy, but he had to. George Floyd died during this turbulent time.

Is the USA still the land of opportunity?

For the individual they still are. Why else would millions of people cross the border to Mexico into the United States if they didn’t believe there could be a better life here? Not only Latin Americans cross this border, but also Chinese, Africans and many more. They come without a corona test and are then flown to Florida, Virginia and other states – without asking or preparing the state governments there.

Why did you vote for Trump?

For the sake of his politics, not for the sake of himself. Trump should have done what he thinks is right – and then he should have remained silent. Unfortunately, he did not remain silent, but tweeted. But the economy was thriving until the pandemic. His economic policies were also good for Latinos and African Americans. That’s why he also gained Latino and Black votes compared to 2016. On the other hand, because of his personality, he did worse in the suburbs of the big cities than in 2016. In the countryside, 80 percent and more often voted for him.

Has the friendship between the US and Germany suffered from Trump?

Germans were a bit offended when Trump demanded that they spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense. He also asked why American soldiers are still in Germany 75 years after the end of the war. But you can ask this question.

And the friendship between Kansas University and Holzkirchen?

This friendship lives on no matter who is president. Of course, we also talk about critical issues. That was the case when Bush and Reagan were presidents. During the war against Iraq we really feared that something could happen to this friendship. But especially in times of political tension, it is important to keep in touch. Maybe a former participant of the summer school in Holzkirchen should become president in order to pacify America (laughs). I’m only partly joking: the ability to talk and understand each other is important.

When are you coming back to Holzkirchen?

It’s almost three years since I was there. I hope that omicron becomes an acceptable cold and the hospitalization rate – I learned that word from the Today Journal (laughs) – stays low. Then I hope to come this summer and look forward to seeing you again!

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