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The head of the Israeli opposition calls on Netanyahu to immediately step down from his position

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of responsibility for what he described as the disaster that befell Israel on October 7, calling on him to step down from his position and form a new government from within the Knesset.

This came in a speech he published on the X platform, saying that Netanyahu continues to make all the mistakes and “cannot remain in his position as prime minister for one more minute.”

Lapid considered that the time has come for the Netanyahu government to step down, stressing that the person “during whose term the greatest catastrophe we have ever known occurred must leave our lives.”

Netanyahu is facing internal criticism because of his refusal to bear responsibility for the failure to predict in advance the Palestinian resistance attack on the settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip, at the dawn of last October 7.

Yesterday, Monday, the former head of the Israeli General Security Service, Yuval Diskin, called on Netanyahu to “return to his home now.”

Netanyahu (center) faces internal criticism because of his refusal to take responsibility for the military failure on October 7 (Anatolia)

“Netanyahu’s behavior since October 7 explains well why he must return home now,” Diskin wrote in an article published by Israeli Channel 12, adding, “In the first two weeks, Netanyahu seemed cold and defeated, a man destroyed by his world, not necessarily our world.”

Diskin noted that Netanyahu’s body language has become “cold, and lately arrogant and arrogant, and above all avoiding the truth.”

Recent Israeli public opinion polls show that only 27% of Israelis believe that Netanyahu is suitable for the position of prime minister.

Two months ago, the Israeli occupation army launched an aggression against the Gaza Strip, which claimed the lives of 16,000 Palestinian martyrs and more than 42,000 wounded, most of them children and women, in addition to massive destruction of infrastructure and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, according to official Palestinian sources.

#Israeli #opposition #calls #Netanyahu #immediately #step #position
2023-12-05 05:48:38

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