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The Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police Confirms that the Victims of Begal Who Are Named as Suspects Should Be Protected

Kabareskrim Polri Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto at a press conference with the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK) in Jakarta, Thursday (10/3/2022). (Source: KOMPAS TV)

Writer : Tito Dirhantoro | Editor : Desy Afrianti

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TVThe Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto, has spoken about the case of a victim of robbery in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) who was instead named a suspect by the police.

According to Komjen Agus, Amaq Sinta, the 34-year-old man who was the victim of the robbery should have received protection.

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However, with the condition of the victim at that time, he gave resistance, which if not done, he would become a victim.

“I think, if it is true that the person concerned is carrying out a forced fight or defense, in the sense that if it is not carried out it can become a victim of the perpetrators, so it must be protected,” said Agus quoted from Kompas.comFriday (15/4/2022).

Furthermore, Agus suggested the NTB Police Chief to hold a case by inviting the Prosecutor’s Office, Community Leaders and Religious Leaders.

When the case was filed, said Agus, the figures involved could be asked for their opinions to determine the case.

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Is the robbery incident experienced by the victim Amaq Sinta worthy or not for the case to be followed up.

“My advice to the NTB Police Chief is to invite the case to be held with the Prosecutor’s Office, community leaders and religious leaders there,” said Agus.

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