according to Reuterswhich refers to French TV stations TF1 TV and BFM TV, Durov was “the target of a preliminary police investigation” in France.
This is supposed to be directly related to the Telegram platform, especially the lack of moderators, because the application “contributes to the commission of criminal activity”. In other words, the police officers accuse Durov because the insufficient level of Telegram is playing in the hands of unscrupulous elements who arrange their contracts through this world-network, in the hands of the police officers Durov.
TF1 reported that Durov had traveled from Azerbaijan and was arrested around 8pm.
They banned Telegram in Brazil, it does not cooperate with the police
Founder of the social network VK
It is worth remembering that Durov was behind the Russian social network VK, formerly known as VKontakte. But this Russian-born creator was pushed out of the VK network years ago by friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, he then created the successful Telegram chat application.
Telegram is now headquartered in Dubai. However, company representatives did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Neither the French Interior Ministry nor the local police have made an official statement yet.
Governments put pressure on me, said Durov
Durov has already stated that some governments are putting pressure on him just because of Telegram. However, he was not more specific. He only issued a statement that his app will “remain a neutral platform and not a player in geopolitics.”
Forbes magazine estimates Durov’s assets at 15.5 billion dollars, ie more than 346 billion crowns in turnover.
Telegram bills itself as a messaging app focused on speed and privacy, and claims that its unique private conversations use end-to-end encryption that is not stored on its servers.
There are 900 million active accounts on Telegram from different parts of the world.
Stop using WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram, the French Prime Minister urges ministers
2024-08-24 22:50:38
#Telegram #arrested #Paris