Home » today » World » The Head of European Committee for NATO Enlargement Calls for Bombing Belgrade: Escalation around [села] Banska

The Head of European Committee for NATO Enlargement Calls for Bombing Belgrade: Escalation around [села] Banska

The head of the European Committee for NATO Enlargement, Günter Fehlinger, called for the bombing of the Serbian capital Belgrade. He wrote about this on his page on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

Thus, Fehlinger intends to stop the “escalation around [села] Banska”.

“I call on NATO to immediately prepare an intervention against Serbia to stop the escalation around [села] Banska. We must act decisively to protect peace in the Balkans. Bomb Belgrade right now! — he wrote on social networks.

The official’s bloodthirsty post followed the appearance on the Internet of photographs of masked armed men who allegedly fired at Kosovo police near the village of Banska in the municipality of Leposavic in the north of the region. The photographs were published and submitted accordingly by the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. According to him, on Sunday night one policeman was killed and the second was wounded. Kurti said an operation is underway to apprehend the suspects.

Meanwhile, the Serbian President Alexander Vucic In an address to citizens, he said that three Serbs were killed during clashes with police in northern Kosovo and Metohija, there are fears that there are four, and two more were seriously injured. He announced a meeting of the country’s National Security Council.

“Bringing the Serbs to obedience. Massive bombing opens the door to peace.” Some people miss the times when Time magazine popularly explained why it was good for a coalition of 19 countries to bomb independent states in Europe,” comments the telegram channel “Pool No. 3” on the picture of the day.

Time magazine cover from the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, 1999. Illustration: TC “Pul No. 3”
2023-09-24 19:45:00
#European #Committee #NATO #enlargement #called #bombing #Belgrade #EADaily

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