Home » today » Entertainment » The head of CJ Suceava calls for an urgent meeting with the Ukrainian authorities to find solutions to the congested traffic at Siret/Flutur customs: I do not agree with this accountability ping-pong

The head of CJ Suceava calls for an urgent meeting with the Ukrainian authorities to find solutions to the congested traffic at Siret/Flutur customs: I do not agree with this accountability ping-pong

Suceava county council chairman Gheorghe Flutur has asked the governor of Chernivtsi for an emergency meeting to find solutions regarding traffic congestion in Vama Siret, where the queue of gunners often stretches for about 20 kilometers, writes News.ro . At the same time, Gheorghe Flutur says he also wants to clarify the “liability ping-pong” after the Ukrainian team accused a slow processing of shots in Siret Customs.

Overtaking between trucks on a pedestrian crossing, on County Road DJ209D from SuceavaPhoto: Hotnews

“I called for an emergency meeting with the governor of Chernivtsi tomorrow (Monday – no) at 12:00 to clarify and find solutions regarding the very congested traffic in Vama Siret. A number of issues have appeared in the public space related to the reasons for the overcrowding and I want to clarify them on the spot, with Mr. Zaparaniuk (Ruslan Zaparaniuk – head of the Chernivtsi Regional Military Administration – no), especially since recently the shooting queue in Suceava County has reached 20 km per day and creates a large discomfort for those in Suceava county, but also for those in traffic,” Gheorghe Flutur said, according to the Suceava County Council Facebook page.

Flutur adds that, if, as a result of the discussions, it comes to the conclusion that the Romanian side needs to do more, then it will approach the Ministry of Finance, the General Directorate of Customs and the Ministry of Transport to take further measures.

“I do not agree with this accountability ping-pong and that is why, after several telephone contacts with the people of Chernivtsi, I requested a face-to-face meeting with PTF Siret,” said Suceava CJ chief Gheorghe Butterfly.

According to the publication Libertatea Cuvantului de la Cernăuţi, the head of the regional military administration of Cernăuţi, Ruslan Zaparaniuk, stated that the Romanian “neighbors” cannot guarantee the passage of more trucks through the Siret customs. Furthermore, Zaparaniuk said that some truck drivers prefer to queue at Siret customs and not use other crossing points, because “border stations are paid extra”.

“It’s kind of their business,” Ruslan Zaparaniuk explained.

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