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The head of Belavia called the sanctions of the West “mean”

Photo: belavia.by

Belavia massively cancels flights

Western countries “with special fascist perversity” are closing air corridors, complained Igor Cherginets.

The general director of the Belarusian airline Belavia, Igor Cherginets, called the imposition of restrictions on flights against the company by Western countries in connection with the incident with the Ryanair plane a shame. He wrote about this in Facebook Saturday, May 29th.

ICAO Council met and made a decision investigate the landing of Ryanair in Minsk before 25 June. But today, without even waiting for the start of the investigation, the aforementioned countries have actually imposed sanctions against Belavia, which is in no way … to this incident, “Cherginets said.

He saw in the steps of Western countries “clearly planned actions” to close not only their countries for the landing of the Belarusian airline, “but even with a special fascist perversity they close the air corridors one by one.”

“They scoff at us, over people regardless of their passport. And this is before the investigation of the incident, in which there may be guilty persons, but definitely not Belavia. This, of course, is a complete violation of the foundations of democracy. The innocent Belavia is punished, and not having really started the investigation. Vile “, – stressed the general director and added that at the same time” the neighbors decided, as always, to make money on it. “

Cherginets said that the airline will not cut its staff by 50% against the background of the current situation and “will break through …, remain in the sky, and will fly.”

Recall that earlier Ryanair CEO calls plane landing hijacking in Belarus. Michael O’Leary demands to identify three passengers who got off the flight from Athens to Vilnius in Minsk. Ryanair considers them to be KGB officers.

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