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The Haut Anjou hospital in Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne paves the way for work-study programs

This is a great first for the Haut Anjou hospital center. Since the beginning of August, the management of the site has been the search for 8 work-study students for the start of the September 2021 school year. In partnership with the Laval Training Institute, apprentices will have the opportunity to discover the profession and the different services of the hospital center.

“There is no diploma required to apply, beginners are welcome”, specifies Romain Girard, director of human resources at the hospital. “It’s a way to discover the professions, what we do there, with a high quality welcome, and teamwork which is very interesting”, adds the latter. “It is really possible to flourish in our services”, smiles Romain Girard.

Fill some vacant positions

The reception of several work-study students within the nursing teams of the Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne hospital also responds to a lack of personnel. Several positions are vacant, such as at the EHPAD of the hospital center. Since the start of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term, the path of apprenticeship has been in the spotlight. The State provides financial assistance to companies which support young apprentices. The Haut Anjou hospital center therefore benefits.

“We will be able to support a few people in this way and we hope to be able to keep them at the end”, recalls Romain Girard, the HRD of the hospital center. “It is a bet for us, because it takes time to help young people in learning our profession, but it is essential today to transmit our knowledge to new profiles”, he specifies. Registrations close at the end of August, for a possible start in September 2021.

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