Home » World » The Hatred Against Russians: Actress Natalya Varleja Supports Russian War and Criticizes Ukraine

The Hatred Against Russians: Actress Natalya Varleja Supports Russian War and Criticizes Ukraine

76-year-old Natalya Varleja has now become a supporter of the Russian war, repeating the “eight-year” mantra about Ukraine’s aggression against Russians, the hatred against Russians cultivated since childhood.

“I believe that Donbas begged to be defended for eight years. I remember how they shouted: “Russia! Russia!”. And Crimea entered, but Donbass remained aloof…,” she said in a conversation with Vyacheslav Manucharov on the “YouTube” show “Empathy Manuchi” (Empathy Manuchi), that she already went there in 2014 and realized what monsters the Ukrainian Nazis are. “I saw destroyed villages, guys on a bus with automatic weapons, that’s where I first learned the word “victim” [ukraiņu nicīga iesauka krievu sabiedrībā — red.]. I met a local girl, and she told me that her boyfriend may go to war soon, because the “Ukropi” will again organize some kind of provocation.”

Varleja also does not understand how Ukrainians could feel dislike for Russia in 2014 after the annexation of Crimea and the bloody war in Donbas. Her best friend used to be directly from Kyiv, and when she called her friend on May 8, 2014 to congratulate her on her birthday and invite her to visit Moscow, she allegedly replied that “I will never go to that damned country in my life.” “And she says it like a robot,” the actress is puzzled. “And I realized that everything. A smart, talented, all-understanding person, she has some screw turned, like hypnosis.”

She lamented how the Orthodox Church is persecuted in Ukraine, how anti-Christianity ignored by the world flourishes there, how hatred against Russians has saturated all areas of Ukrainian life.

The interviewer in such a sympathetic tone “they are now saying that we attacked them”, to which Varleja recalled: “But the fact that for eight years they were yelling at their own citizens, at the same time the Russians? “Slaughter Russians!” says. “I will slaughter the Russians” [viņa paķēmojas bērna balstiņā – red.]and it’s instilled from childhood itself, and it’s terrible.”

On the other hand, the emigrants have kept their Nazi views, even the former wife of President Viktor Yushchenko, a Canadian woman, has brought hatred against Russia, and now in Ukraine rewriting history and for some reason believe that their understanding of history is correct.

But the “special military operation” is needed to restore justice, to defend the very essence and existence of Russia, faith, as well as the future of Russians.

“Where did this artificially fueled hatred come from? Common roots, common language, common history, common victory in the Great Patriotic War?!? What is happening? Why did this consciousness turn upside down?” Frog is confused.

Varleja did not forget to point out that the “Ukrainian regime” uses the same methods as Israel against the Gaza Strip – just compare it to the long-term blockade of water and electricity against Crimea and Donbass. She pointed out that it was not for nothing that such “traitors” as Andrei Makarevich and Maksim Galkin, who left Russia because they could not stay in a country at war with their neighbors, moved directly to Israel, which has been at war with its neighbors throughout its existence.

And in general, according to her, the biggest traitors of Russia were the last president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, who destroyed the Soviet Union and succumbed to the West’s false promises of love and friendship. They “crushed our army, destroyed our missiles, weapons, closed our factories.”

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2023-10-25 01:48:00
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