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The Hasnaeni Family Urges the Head of the Indonesian KPU Reporting Party to Withdraw the Report to the Police


The family side Hasnaeni or the Golden Woman urged the reporter, the Chairperson of the Indonesian KPU Hashim Ash’ari withdrew the report of alleged sexual harassment. The family also hopes that the reporter will provide clarification regarding the report.

“We also hope that the party claiming or reporting the chairman of the KPU will immediately withdraw their report and immediately clarify so that this problem can be resolved soon,” said Hasnaeni’s former attorney, Bryan Gautama, to reporters at the KPU building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (18/1/2023).

Bryan said Hasnaeni’s name was included in the report filed by Ihsan of the State Officer. The family suspects that Ilham put pressure on Hasnaeni, who is known to be Hasnaeni’s husband.

On the other hand, the family admits that they are confused by the report, because Hasnaeni has been isolated in Pondok Bambu Detention Center for two weeks without anyone being allowed to visit her.

“They (the family) suspected that there was pressure being taught, directed by someone who allegedly according to this family was a person named Ihsan Perwira Negara, where the news was that he reported this on behalf of Mrs. Hasnaeni to Polda Metro Jaya,” he said.

“However, the family was confused that during this time the mother was isolated at Pondok Bambu Detention Center. How could she do the report? The family could not meet until today, but suddenly there was a report on behalf of Mrs. Hasnaeni represented by Ihsan Perima Negara,” he added.

Previously, Hasnaeni had reported the chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU), Hasyim Asy’ari, on suspicion of sexual harassment. Reporting against Hasyim was made by Hasnaeni Mustafa’s attorney, Ihsan Perima Negara. The report was made at Polda Metro Jaya on Monday (16/1).

The family apologizes to the chairman of the KPU

Hasnaeni’s family then went to the General Election Commission (KPU) office. Hasnaeni’s family met KPU chairman Hasyim Asy’ari to apologize about reports of alleged sexual harassment. The family also mentions Hasnaeni’s name as dicatut.

“Actually, I’m only here to represent my family, I want to be friendly to apologize to Mr. Hasyim and the KPU and his family for my mother’s behavior. Actually, that’s just the way it is, and on behalf of the mother too, I had time to say sorry too,” said Hasnaeni’s biological child, Alice, at the KPU building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (18/1/2023).


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