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The “Hartz and warm” family makes a shocking discovery in the bathroom – Christian breaks down in tears

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From: Sina Koch

“Hartz and Heart”: Melanie and Christian have lived on Hartz IV for several years. At home, the family makes a discovery in the bathroom that causes them to hold back tears.

The Krefeld neighborhood around Dieselstraße is a problem area. Here many people live on a subsistence level and are dependent on state aid. “Hartz and friendly“ is dedicated to the daily life of the residents, often characterized by economic worries and health problems. The family around Christian, Melanie and their son Nico also shows their life in no uncertain terms RTLZWEI-social doc. The two have been married for eight years and have been together for seven years.

‘Hartz and warm’ family in Krefeld makes disturbing discovery: ‘I tapped him’

The family lives on 80 square meters. Christian worked for a car manufacturer for seven years and built accessories, but has been unemployed for five years due to health reasons. The family no longer feels comfortable within their four walls: there was water damage in the apartment above them, which was repaired – but only a short time later Christian made a frightening discovery!

“At one point I noticed that there was mold on the wall – and I opened it,” the 42-year-old explains in the social documentary. In addition to the poor condition of the apartment, there are also financial difficulties: the family lives in Hartz IV and to supplement the budget, Melanie has a mini-job at the kindergarten.

New episodes of “Hartz and heartily” from Krefeld: Christian finds black mold in the bathroom

The mold problem in Melanie and Christian’s bathroom turns out to be a construction project: “Now I open the ceiling because the black mold attacks the lungs and also goes through the drywall,” Christian says as he swings the hammer. The 42-year-old is alarmed. “In my old apartment I also had black mold on the plasterboard walls: the night before I had a fever, in the morning I take a shower and collapse”, reveals the client.

Under no circumstances should his family behave the same way! He chastises his landlady for cutting costs on the wrong side. The mold was only discovered by pure chance. “I’ll be honest: I didn’t expect it to be this bad, I thought it was harmless,” Christian says as he sees mold stains appearing under the ceiling tile. Also “Hartz und cordial” – Christine from Mannheim is struggling with a stubborn mold infestation.

The father of the family bursts into tears over “Hartz und Herzen”: “We live with a time bomb”

Black mold is very harmful and can – if inhaled for a long time – settle on the organs. Melanie suffers from chronic bronchitis. Mold can have serious consequences for them. Mold is crawling along the ceiling from all sides – a sight that impresses hobby craftsman Christian. “We live with a time bomb,” says the 42-year-old, as the first tears roll down his cheeks.

The demolition confirmed what the family had long suspected! Black mold has spread under the entire ceiling. The fact that his wife and seven-year-old son were exposed to harmful spores for weeks is a great burden for the family man – and he breaks down in tears. After reporting the catastrophic condition of the apartment to the landlady, he immediately begins removing the mold. Also Petra from “Hartz and heart – day after day Benz barracks” fights mold in her apartment. (sik)

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