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The Hague is practicing for corona vaccine

A program is starting in The Hague to increase the vaccination coverage of the population. This concerns all standard vaccinations for children. The action resembles a dress rehearsal for when there is a vaccine against COVID-19.

The vaccination rate in The Hague is really too low, according to councilor Kavita Parbhudayal, namely below 90 percent. She points out how clearly this corona time shows what will happen if there is no vaccine.

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The reason that the vaccination coverage is so low is on the one hand the language barrier, which means that many people of other nationalities are not reached. In addition, laxity and ignorance play a role. The advantage of this week of action is that everything discussed with the parties involved can soon be used to summon people in the city very quickly when a COVID vaccine has been found.

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Youth doctor Esther Kuiper confirms that the questions that are now coming up will probably also be asked with a corona vaccine. Then it’s about safety and efficacy, what’s in it, which side effects can be expected and whether it is really necessary. Health workers will soon be able to take advantage of this.

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