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The hacker who created the fake Diy was offered an internship at the Ministry of Digital Science

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The developer of the fake application was offered to post at the Ministry of Digital Science

Minnigifra’s proposal does not absolve the 21-year-old from liability for counterfeiting the app.

The guy who developed the fake Diya app was offered an internship at the Ministry of Digital Transformation. About it reported First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Yevgeny Yenin.

“The cyber police quickly found a self-taught hacker who had recently created a fake Diya. Just as quickly we introduced him to the Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov.

However, the proposal of the Ministry of Digital Science does not absolve the guy from responsibility for counterfeiting the application.

We will remind, in the Zaporozhye region, the cyber police exposed 21-year-old developer of the fake application Diya, who created software that completely copied the design of the state application.

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