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The guidelines for healthy eating during isolation (and beyond)

Eating in a healthy and balanced way is the fundamental strategy to be adopted every day to promote the correct functions of the body, including those of the immune system. The wrong diet is in fact one of the main risk factors in the onset of diseases and disorders. Following a healthy lifestyle during this period is not always easy. The more sedentary life, the stress of the moment and the different rhythms of smart working can lead to eating more and badly. But what to do in practice at the table to take care of our health? “In reality, there are no foods that can prevent or cure COVID-19.

However, following a healthy and balanced diet is essential for good health “explains theEufic (European Food Information Council) which suggested a number of advice to be adopted. Here are the guidelines for healthy eating during isolation (and beyond).

Vegetables are a real natural supplement. They ensure a pool of substances that are allied to health. They contain vitamins, minerals, fibers that favor the proper functioning of the immune system. How much to eat each day? 5 servings equal to 400 grams. The basic rule is choose different colored fruit and vegetables for each meal of the day to ensure all the substances the body needs.

Whole grain cereals and their derivatives, including wholemeal pasta, compared to refined ones they are richer in vitamins, minerals and fiber, allies of health. They also provide complex carbohydrates which have a number of benefits. First of all, they give a greater sense of satiety, helping to eat less and stay away from the extra pounds. Moreover, provide long-lasting energy, reducing the risk of experiencing sudden hunger attacks, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and many other ailments.

Along with proteins and carbohydrates, fats are essential nutrients for the body. But you have to choose the right ones. Experts advise to give space in the daily menus to unsaturated ones. The advantages? Many. First of all, they lower the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and increase the “good” one, HDL, protecting the body from diseases, especially cardiovascular ones. Yes, therefore, in food menus such asextra virgin olive oil, the blue fish, the nuts e i oil seeds. Instead, it is necessary to limit the consumption of red and processed meats, dairy products, cheeses, fried foods and tropical oils such as coconut. To reduce the intake of saturated fats, for example, you can replace whole milk with skim milk, butter with margarine, chicken leg with chicken breast.

Health depends not only on the quality of what you bring to the table, but also on the quantity. This is why to keep fit and healthy and avoid eating too much or too little, it is essential to pay attention to portions. It is not necessary to weigh the food to regulate the quantities. There are small tricks to calculate the right food size without balance. To avoid overdoing and being able to compose healthy and balanced meals quickly, you can adjust it by eye. One serving of grains equals a handful, one portion of pasta equals a handful, while a serving of meat or fish is the same size as the palm of a hand.

Would you like to know more? Discover in the gallery the other guidelines for healthy eating, not only when you are in isolation.


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