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“The Grudge that Broke a Friendship: The Feud Between Actors Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Sergei Gurzo”

A colleague of the artist held a terrible grudge against him.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov became a star after he appeared in the film “It was in Penkovo.” True, this film brought the artist not only success. It was because of him that he quarreled with his close friend.

The actor met Sergei Gurzo when he entered VGIK. Future screen stars quickly found a common language. It seemed that no one and nothing could destroy their friendship. In fact, everything turned out differently.

After the release of The Young Guard, Gurzo became mega-popular. It did not bring him happiness. On the contrary, fame turned the artist’s head so much that he began to apply himself to the bottle. Soon the directors found out about this, who decided to reduce cooperation with the actor to a minimum.

Stanislav Rostotsky turned out to be among such filmmakers. Initially, he wanted to invite Gurzo to the role of Matvey Morozov, but decided to protect himself and choose a more trustworthy artist. The result is known – the character was embodied by Tikhonov, and the tape was an incredible success among the audience.

Gurzo was not able to be happy for his friend: he considered him a traitor and a scoundrel, deciding that it was the star of “Seventeen Moments of Spring” who convinced Rostotsky not to take him in his film. Stirlitz did not consider it necessary to justify himself and never publicly commented on his so-called misconduct.

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