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The Growing Trend of Windows Users Switching to Linux: A User Perspective

Well, it depends on the type of user.

I think the general trend here will be: what a mess this is, we definitely don’t need this. But Henk from around the corner likes this.

I only use Windows to teach (because the majority of students have a Windows-based laptop anyway). Other than that, I have been using Linux Mint as a daily driver for years. I recently read here that there were people who spent entire days using Linux at work, but never thought about using Linux as their desktop. Apart from a few games (usually with those persistent kernel-based anti-cheats), I have always found an alternative over the years. Now Windows has come a long way, and it has really gotten better over the years. But that’s the same with Linux. I still remember my first time using Linux in 96-97. And I’ve tried a few distros already.

I always wonder about these types of features… who comes up with this, and who approves it? These are people I would summarily expel. And then there is the corporate world. How can you implement this at company level? I think this should be possible after all. On the other hand, there is no “worthy” alternative. Switching, as was recently discussed in an article here, is not as simple as it seems. There is also “the users” that you should not underestimate. There will be plenty of people where you will have to hold their hand. But more and more I see people who have used Windows for years switching to Linux at home for all kinds of reasons. I still have a dual boot here at home, for sometimes testing hardware/software connections (and no, it is not 100% the same in a virtual machine) and some games. But I think this is the last PC I will dual boot. If I can’t play a game (anymore), so be it. Don’t worry about it anymore

2024-04-10 18:34:02
#Microsoft #show #app #offers #Windows #start #menu

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