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The Growing Threat: How Artificial Intelligence Enhances Illicit Activities on the Internet

Artificial intelligence is increasingly accessible and applied in tools that can be handled by many people.

This advance represents new functionalities and convenience, but at the same time, it is also an open path for crimes and illicit activities.

Therefore, part of the current discussion between entities and governments is about whether Artificial Intelligence is a technology that will be adopted to negatively affect people, through various types of internet scams.

The dangers of AI accessibility

Despite generating an almost cinematic debate, the use of artificial intelligence can have a fine line between the positive use of tools and major cyber crimes.

According to Matthew Cadwell, Professor of Computer Science at UCL (University College London), the spread of AI is making it easier to use technology, making it not necessary to have a high technical knowledge to adapt the tools.

Thus, even the current scams that are already practiced on the internet can undergo an evolution with AI. This criminal development also increases the ease of sharing and commercializing the results of scams.

Therefore, thinking about the individual precautions that need to be taken when using the internet and AI tools, we have separated the four types of illicit activities that can be improved with technology. Keep reading, find out and stay tuned!

4 illicit activities that can evolve with artificial intelligence


A crime that already circulates through social networks is Deepfake. In this practice, it is possible to “imitate” a person’s face, putting them in a false situation. For example, a video where the person is doing or saying something that never happened.

Artificial Intelligence Tools for Simulating Conversations

Automation is already widely used for online assistance in banks, stores and public services. Within these systems, a conversation simulation is created to speed up the service.

However, with artificial intelligence, these systems are getting closer and closer to an advanced simulation of a real conversation.

Thus, criminals can improve their scams by interacting with people and getting data and personal information.

Forced entry into networks and systems

This invasion technique tries to discover codes and passwords to access systems, websites, social networks and other protected domains.

Through artificial intelligence, decoding turns out to be faster and more efficient. Thus, it would be possible to test numerous combinations of passwords in a few minutes, going beyond the hacked systems that are already used.


Finally, the last scam that can be improved with AI is phishing, offering more produced and detailed interaction and messages.

This practice consists of pretending to be a company or another person in order to obtain personal data, credit card numbers and passwords. Usually, it is via SMS, emails and messages via apps such as WhatsApp.

The advancement of artificial intelligence also represents safer ways to enjoy the internet. So, protect yourself in digital environments to have a better experience free of virtual scams.

How to protect yourself from internet scams?

Do not access banking and social networking sites on public Wi-Fi networks; Create strong passwords and different combinations for each site; Use two-step verification on social media and emails; Do not provide any personal data to third parties; Use virtual card for online purchases; Do not click on any bank or company links; Suspect unsolicited contacts, seek guidance directly from companies.
2023-07-09 00:59:09
#Learn #ways #cybercrime #heres #protect

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