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The Growing Importance of Health in Society: Trends and Future Research in the Marketing and Sales Industry

Summary or introduction

This project work in the subject “Marketing and Sales II” deals with trend and future research using a special force staff in Future AG. The topics covered are trend research, idea generation, selection and evaluation and target group identification. In addition, the topics of the hook model, lean startup and brand management are considered.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic alone, the topic of health became increasingly important. In addition to the psychosocial consequences of lockdown and quarantine, which were confirmed by German-Chinese researchers, other studies showed that the general situation surrounding the Corona crisis is putting a strain on the German population. 49% of those surveyed stated that they were (very) heavily burdened by the pandemic.

But it is not just the general conditions of the pandemic that are leading to a different status of health. Sars-CoV-2 causes long-term physical consequences for people themselves, which must be taken into account. These people affected by the so-called post-Covid-19 syndrome cause extremely long absences from work, which not only puts a strain on the individual but also on the entire health system.

However, it is not just the corona virus alone that is making health a new key resource in society. Demographic change also shows an urgent need for action in the area of ​​health. From 1990 to 2018, the group of 60-year-olds increased by 54% to 15.9 million and is expected to increase by a further 5-6 million by 2039. At the same time, however, the number of younger people is decreasing and thus the source of financing for the care of older people.

These pandemic and demographic-related circumstances not only require innovative solutions for the primary healthcare market, but also for consumers in the secondary healthcare market. Lifelong physical integrity and in-depth, trustworthy knowledge of health facts are increasingly turning out to be valuable and sought-after assets.

2023-10-16 10:06:38
#GRIN #Marketing #Sales #Trend #future #research #special #force #staff #Future

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