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The Grief of Friends for the Departure of the Mysterious Prince who Died


Saudi Arabia’s Royal Court is mourning the loss of one of its members. It is the Prince of bin bin Saad bin Muhammad Al Saud who died on Sunday (28/6/2020).

The Crown Prince is one of the descendants of the family of Al Saud, including tens of thousands of princes of the Saudi founder, King Abdulaziz. She was the granddaughter of a royal daughter named Madawi Binti Abdulaziz.

Reported Saudi 24 News, Prince Bandar Bin Saad died of an illness. However, it was not further explained what diseases suffered by Bandar Bandar. Many then guessed the prince’s mysterious illness.

The late Prince Bandar had many siblings, Mother. Among the deceased Prince Turki, the late Prince Abdulaziz, Prince Saud, Prince Faisal, the late Prince Abdullah, Prince Khaled, Prince Muhammad, and Prince Fahd.

There is no more detailed information about its position in the current government of Saudi Arabia. Prince Bandar was buried in Riyadh on Monday (6/29/2020).

Knowing this sad news, some friends and friends of Prince Bandar expressed sorrow. They wrote their condolences through social media Twitter.

Those tears, tears and sad hearts, and because of your separation, I do not want to be sad, we belong to God and to Him we will return, “said Prince Bandar’s friend, Abdullah Al-Khorayef.

Innalillahi wa innailaihi rajiuun. I mourn for my dear friend, who is kind and kind, “said another friend, Saud Al-Ghaddabani.

There is no power except from Allah. We were devastated by the news of the death of our beloved brother, Bandar Bin Saad. We met recently after a long absence in a school meeting group … With warmth, we are very lost, may Allah forgive him, forgive him, and make him live in a large garden, “wrote his friend while studying, Wajdi Qutb.

All the relatives and friends of Prince Bandar Bin Saad must be sad to hear this news. May Prince Bandar be given the best place by His side, Mother.

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