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The Grenade: Alarming Foods that Contain Nitrosamines Linked to Tumours

Nitrosamines and tumors, the link that shocked the scientific community: the announcement freezes the population. Some foods are like poison!

Alarm announced, le nitrosamines and tumors they are related, some foods I’m a danger for the salute. We have now said it and little road, what you eat is a source of health and disease. There is no doubt that leading a healthy lifestyle made up of physical exercise, relaxation and a balanced diet is the gold of well-being, but not everyone knows the risks of some foods. They hide substances that fuel the onset of tumors.

Nitrosamines and tumors, dangerous foods – Ilgranata.it

It’s not about trifles, but about one scientific study of high international importance led by EFSA. L‘European Food Safety Authority, clarifies the situation once and for all by launching an alarm that should not be taken lightly. Guilty of the onset of tumours he was born in DNA damage are nitrosaminesbut what are they?

These are chemical compounds of genotoxic and carcinogenic nature, which are more common than it seems. The eye does not see, but the physical pains indeed in front of the toxicities ingested into the human body. We are not machines, but we function as such, and if we ingest harmful substances, sooner or later the gears stop working normally. Like the cells in tumors, they “go high”, and lead to a path often made up of dramatic and totally unexpected results.

With this announcement it is finally clear what causes the malaise, and the attention must be totally paid to the foods that contain nitrosamines. The study was even administered on rodents, and the results open up a tragic scenario.

Nitrosamines and tumors, that’s where the stuff is

The animals studied almost all fell ill with tumours, especially of the liver. Obviously, the relationship with all the data is in the hands of European Commission which in the legislative framework will take care of regulating the issue in the best possible way by deciding to avoid the diffusion of foods containing nitrosamines. It should be noted that the issue is more complex than expected, because it’s not just about compounds.

Nitrosamines and tumors, dangerous foods – Ilgranata.it

The problem lies not only in the toxicity of nitrosamines and their consequent link with tumors, but there is also talk of processing of some foods. In fact, the damage lies precisely in the transformation of additives, precisely nitrites, in the preparation of canned meats, cured meats, dairy products, soy sauce, marinated fish, vegetables, and even mother’s milk! What can be deduced from this list of products?

It is considered appropriate to define that it is not so much the presence of these foods, but how do you transform them into the different preparations, because the chemical additives that preserve the quality, color and taste of some foods, in the long run, devastate the human body. They partially fulfill an important function, that of destroying the botulinum bacteria, but they hurt because the harmful substances, once they come into contact with the acidity of the human intestine, cause processes of N-nitrosis, ie nitrosamines.

List of foods that contain the substance

Furthermore, even an American institution such as the Food and Drug Admistration called them the worst carcinogens out there. Even liquids like beer and alcoholic beverages contain them, without forgetting delicacies such as cacao. In the long list of harmful foods follow the cooked meat, pickled products, processed vegetables, milk and dairy products, the worst are the cured meat, bagged and not, but the list goes on.

Nitrosamines and tumors, dangerous foods – Ilgranata.it

The IARC, i.e. the International Agency for Research of Cancer confirms after 800 studies the high onset of cancer from the consumption of red meat in 2017, which is included in the dangerous Group 1 together with smoking, ethyl alcohol, ultraviolet radiation and papilloma virus. Obviously, EFSA also poses solutions, and it does so by sharing an important message which implies preferring a varied diet, avoid nitrosamines, and lead a healthy lifestyle with physical exercise and psychological well-being.

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