rail traffic
Greens: Electrification Dresden-Breslau is “tragedy”
The logo of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen can be seen. photo
© Moritz Frankenberg/dpa/archive image
The Greens parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament has criticized the tussle over the electrification of the Dresden-Breslau railway line. The German implementation was “a tragedy,” said the Greens in Dresden. The signing of the German-Polish agreement to expand the route marked the 20th anniversary on Sunday.
The Greens parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament has criticized the tussle over the electrification of the Dresden-Breslau railway line. The German implementation was “a tragedy,” said the Greens in Dresden. The signing of the German-Polish agreement to expand the route marked the 20th anniversary on Sunday.
So far, the agreement has only been fulfilled by Poland. Expansion and catenary power for the route are urgently needed in order to enable the important cross-border connections again without changing trains and to relieve the A4 of freight traffic, demanded the transport policy spokesman for the Greens, Gerhard Liebscher.
Years of haggling over implementation and financing have meant that the project is now to be implemented in parts and not before 2024 at the earliest. “These are not rosy prospects for a foreseeable realization and the urgently needed traffic turnaround.”
The section on the Polish side to Wroclaw has been electrified since 2019, while the gap closure for the approximately 100 kilometers from Saxony’s state capital to the federal border is still pending.
2023-04-30 11:52:06
#Greens #Electrification #DresdenBreslau #tragedy