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the green turn is easier

The installation of photovoltaic panels is simpler and adaptable to practically any surface. And the costs will be amortized by energy savings.

The future will speak the language of sustainability. The Government has decided this for some time and, for this reason, has begun to legislate in the direction of clean energy, so as to combine incentives and the installation of ad hoc systems.

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The infamous ecological transition will take some time to settle down. Also because, net of the economic emergency situation that we still live in, the tools to transfer it to our daily life are still largely prohibitive. Against an expense prepared for the improvement of energy standards of our buildings, however, it could be interesting to know that there are (and will exist new) facilities aimed at favoring the passage, both in terms of costs and re-entry into the deduction plan. The installation of photovoltaic panels, for example, with the new provisions that have come into force, see plant engineering procedures simplified.

Right now, considering the sprint in the direction of clean energy, the panels are considered ordinary maintenance, even in their construction from scratch. In practice, the interventions will no longer be linked to the acquisition of permits or other administrative acts necessary for consent. A decision that facilitates access of users to the resources useful for the green turnaround. Not to mention that, once implanted, the panels will guarantee about thirty years of life without the need for modification or replacement. Except in exceptional cases, of course.

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In recent weeks there has been repeated talk of the importance of converting fossil fuels into renewable energy. On the one hand for the environmental and conservation issue of our planet but also for purely saving reasons. Optimizing one’s domestic consumption would be the first step not only to alleviate the suffering of the earth’s atmosphere but also to safeguard our savings. A photovoltaic system would save money energy according to the logic of self-consumption, so as to offer its contribution to renewable energies also in terms of their distribution. It is clear that, in order for the panels to work, they must be installed in suitable places (houses or land that are) and able to take full advantage of sunlight. Beyond the exposure (never to the north), the characteristics of the terrain must also be kept in mind.

In practice, before shopping, it would be good to seek advice from experts. However, since they are now considered to be of ordinary maintenance, the interventions will be decidedly more accessible: for example, with the simplified single model it will be possible to install systems with power between 50 kW and 200 kW. It is also important to estimate the potential efficiency of the panels, calculating the insolation conditions and the peak power. Let’s not forget that much of the efficiency depends on the basic characteristics, such as the available surface or the conditions that are useful for the sun, hence exposure to sunlight. The size of the facility will also determine the duration of the works. As for the cost, it is essentially an investment, which can be amortized by optimizing consumption. The overall price, in the last 10 years, however, has dropped by 80%. This is also a market logic: without accessibility, the green turning point would remain a beautiful but unattainable goal.

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