National political leaders are beginning to realize the impact of the Green Deal on voters. And while Germany, for example, is alarmed by the influx of Chinese electric cars, France faces a further deterioration in its overall debt rating.
The Green Deal is under fire, Bloomberg reports today. To the displeasure of green, non-profit organizations and the European Commission itself. But the national political leaders in Paris or Brussels do not they are beginning to realize its enormous costs. And the impact they will have on decisions of their constituents. Moreover, it is a shock to Germany, for example, how Volkswagen is losing ground in Chinaand vice versa Chinese electric cars are starting to conquer Germany. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are in threatpan-European it is about millions.
At the same time, a substantial part of the EU’s green agenda is already being paid for on debt, so EU over-indebtedness is a growing problem. And actually the Green Deal has not even started to work in full force yet. In addition, France rating agency Fitch recently worsened the debt rating at a turning pointthereby owning it indebtedness will become more expensive. Yesterday, France’s rating outlook was downgraded by the Scope agency, which is yet another for President Emmanuel Macron bad news.
In short, the markets are telling France – and not only France – that they are no longer willing to lend at a favorable interest rate. But with the current tax burden on France, which cannot be raised much anymore, if the country is not to end up in flames, there is no other source to finance the Green Deal than debt, so Macron is hitting the wall of economic reality, which is why he wants put a “pause” on the further promotion of the Green Agenda and the Green Deal. Diplomatically speaking.
ESG is Europe’s bet that the rest of the world will follow suit. She may not succeed, says the expert
News from companies
The European Union, under the leadership of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, has determined to be a leader in the world’s transition to a sustainable economy. Like any bet, this one may not pay off. “If other countries continue to play the coal game, Europe may be at a disadvantage,” says Karel Kotoun, Banking & Insurance Consulting Lead at Accenture, in an interview for Newstream. In addition to the EU, large institutional investors are also pushing for the transition to sustainable investments. How are banks preparing for a new, sustainable future? And will the Czechs accept sustainable investing as their own? Not only these questions are answered by an advisor for banks and insurance companies.
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Trade unionist Dufek was angry: ČEZ makes outrageous profits and stores should not transport food from one end of Europe to the other
The chairman of the Association of Independent Trade Unions (ASO), Bohumír Dufek, said at an international economic conference in Prague that it is necessary to stand against traders transporting food from one part of Europe to another. According to him, food that can be produced in the Czech Republic should be supported. He supported the EU’s From Farmer to Consumer program to reduce the environmental impact of food production. At the same time, he described the Green Deal for Europe as a brake that drains money for economic development.
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2023-05-27 09:30:00
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